Naim | Mimpi buruk ( 1 )

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Naim's POV :

"Aku kat mana ni?" Naim open his blurry eyes, he flinched as he woke up in front of Cik Mior house. He stand up quickly get up, rubbing his eyes again and again.

Naim start getting anxious "A-asal aku ada kat sini lagi? Tak,tak ni mimpi je ni"

"Naim…" a familiar lady voice calling his name. "Mama?" Naim look into the house, he  walks in and slowly reaching the woman shoulder from behind.

Quickly pull back he's hand "Kau siapa?!"
The pale look alike his mother turn to him "Naim, kenapa Naim buat Mama mcm ni?"

Naim take a few step back, it just a nightmare he just need to wake up from all of this.

Suddenly Naim feels like his feet being grabbed "ARGHHH!!"

Naim woke up from his nightmare, panting heavily. Clenched his chest, rubbing it slowly. He relief, it just a dream.

'Kenapa biar adik pergi! Kenapa biar adik lari?!!'

Then he saw something on the edge of the room, he was stunned. A shadow with glow red eyes was looking at him. A whisper voice start haunting him.

'Kau asal? Kata anak jantan'

The shadow walks to him, Naim get off the bed "Jan-jangan dekat…" his whole body shivering in fear.

The whispers is getting louder. 


Naim cover both of his ears with his hands. No matter how hard he try covering it the voice,the laughter. He can still hear it.

He then take out his phone; dialing someone.
"Mia! Tolong aku Mia! To-"

Naim hands suddenly being grabbed by the shadow person make his phone dropped by accident.

"HAHAHHAHA! Haih…Kesian aku tengok kau ni Naim"

The shadow push Naim roughly; make him fall to the floor. Naim feels sore on his other arm, the old scar's make his arm itchy. He start scratching it roughly "Sial! Sial! Sial!"

Blood start flowing, he's eyes start tearing.

Mia's POV :

Naim did tell Mia this earlier, he won't go back home. "Aku tak balik rumah, kau tolong aku beli makanan boleh tak nanti mlm ni?"

"Asal kau tak nak balik? Gaduh?" Naim shook his head "Taklah mak bapak aku takde kat rumah, so aku stay sini je lah"

"Kau tumpang rumah aku nak?" Mia offer him, but he refuse. "Dah tu kau nak apa mlm ni? Cuti 3 hari ni nanti aku tolong kau"

Naim curve a smile to her "Nak bubur ayam".
"Tu jek?" Mia frowned. "Oh dgn kalau kau ada ubat demam ke panadol ke, kau bagi aku ok"

The school bell is ringing, showing recess time is over. Naim run off to go back to his class. "Jumpa kau malam ni!"

"Woi,Naim! Kejap!" Mia curious. Why did Naim ask for some medicine pills, is he's sick?

Mia put the food and the medicine that Naim ask earlier at DM table. "Tech! Mana budak ni?"

Her phone was ringing, right on time "Hello Naim. Aku dah smpai-"

"MIA! TOLONG AKU MIA! TO-" Naim phone suddenly turn off.

"Hello? Naim! Naim!" She tried to call back, he didn't answer it.

"Haish! Mana dorm dia pun aku tak tau!" Mia runs to the dorms building.


All students of KUDRAT was allowed to go home for these 3 days. Except the High Council, they were planning to stay at KUDRAT.

"Gelap gile kat luar!" Zahrin look out from the corridor. Fahmi and Zahrin hangout at Kahar's dorm; 5 Kasturi.

"Asal kau plan tak nak balik Kahar?" Fahmi ask Kahar. He just hummed "Malas" short reply.

Kahar then look around "Hakeem mana Hakeem?"

"Entah. Aku baru nak tanya kau gak tadi" right on time Hakeem finally show himself. "Panjang umur member! Ingatkan dah kene culik dgn Angel tadi" tease Zahrin.

"Aihh! Angel² jgn main giler, dah mlm ni!" he hit Zahrin on his arm. The others chuckle along.

"Stock rokok aku habis, korang ada lagi tak?"

Fahmi check on his cigarette box "Satu jek aku ada"

"Kenapa lah aku tak terpikir pasal ni" Kahar stroke his curly hair. "Sihat lah kite ye 3 hari ni, puasa rokok"

While everyone look frustrated, Kahar grin "Kau asal tersengih tibe²? Mesti ada bende ni" they have been friends since form 1, they know who's Kahar is.

Kahar took out a few key from his drawer "Jom. Spotcheck" along with a light chuckle. They look at each others and back to Kahar.

"Giler ah! Mana kau dapat kunci dorm form 4 ni!"

After a few minutes from dorm's to dorm's, drawers to locker's. They take some of form 4's stuff, mostly cigarettes, lighters and others? Probably just making fun of it.

"Ok next bilik Kasturi!" Kahar walks to Fakhri locker looking for something interesting. "Dia tak merokok ke?" he looks everywhere, even between the clothes.

Kahar huffed "Asal takde bende menarik? Budak baik jugak ek Fakhri ni" said Hakeem; standing next to him.

Hakeem eyes caught a brown file
"File tu kau tak tengok?" Kahar shook, he didn't see it was there.

"Tajam kan mata aku" he then open it. "Apa dalam?" Kahar frowned. Hakeem took out a fold paper; it has been ripped "Surat Mahkamah?"

That caught Kahar attention "Ha? Pasal apa?"
"Tak tau, tapi dah terkoyak separuh ni" they both look at each other.

They hear footsteps, someone is coming
"Simpan balik! Simpan balik!" Hakeem quickly put the paper and file back where it belongs.

"Korang jumpa apa² ke?" Kahar shook his head "Uhhh takde. Jom pergi dorm Tuah"

"Asal aku dgr suara" they all silent, Kahar glare at Zahrin "Semua org dgr gilek, jgn lah ckp!"

"Dah biar aku bukak!" Hakeem push the door, it wasn't lock "Selamat pagi buta!- ARGHHHHH!!"


Luckyyyynash note :
Hye~ *cutely publish this*
This chapter kinda boring i guess? It suppose to be scary.

I got this idea from Mainan - Naim Daniel btw ( Haah mcm tak kene kan dgn cerita )
Part 2 esk² lah ye!

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