Naim | Demam

290 15 4

School bell has ringing means it's the end off school hours for today.

"Alright class dismissed, I'll be see you boy's tomorrow" Puan Faniza curve a smile to Form 4 class.

While the others already get out from the class, Puan Faniza was waiting for Naim and Amirr "Amirr, Naim Tuan Yusof ask if you guys could help him at his office today. Is that ok?"

Amirr then look at Naim, he nods "Yes we can help with it" carrying his bag up. Amirr nods along; awkwardly. "Well that's great! I'll be going now" she then left the two boys behind.

"Kau srs ah?" Amirr frowned. "Alah Mirr, tolong kejap jek, aku ok"

Amirr knows Naim didn't feel well today, he tells Naim to rest at dorm but he refuse. Even at recess time, he only eat biscuits and couples pills of medicine.

Naim head feel heavy and dizzy; headache and his eyes feel a little bit stingy. "Naim kamu ok?" Naim startled by Tuan Yusof voice.

He quickly nod's "Ok Amirr kamu ikut saya, Naim kamu tolong bagi file² ni dekat Mr. Sin"
Tuan Yusof handed the files to him.

Naim walk off to find Mr. Sin, Amirr look at the tall boy "Haih Naim, Naim" he murmured.

Sometimes Amirr felt guilty, it's always him telling his story and problems to Naim. But Naim? They have been friends since Form 1. All this time and years he never know much about him. Naim cared to everyone, especially who close to him.

Maybe that's make him as Pengawas, he care to much. To much.

Naim feel heavy on his chest, he's coughing; clenching and rubbing his chest slowly. While his other hand holding tightly on stairs handrail, afraid if he falls.

'Time sekarang kau nak dtg' his grip was loose, his sight became dark.





Naim woke up as he hear a few finger snaps,
he slowly open his blurry eyes.

"Good "Morning" Princess" it's was Zahrin, smirking.

Naim startled, he quickly sit up. "Weih relax² takde pape pun" Kahar chuckle at the younger reaction.

He looked around, Kahar and his clique's was in his dorm. Then he looked himself, he was wearing short sleeve t-shirt.

Naim tried remember what happen after he pass out, that right! He was suppose to help Tuan Yusof with something.

But he didn't remember who and how did he get here. It could be Amirr, but he wasn't at the room or maybe the High Council's?

"Jap mcm mana aku ada kat sini?" Naim asked the cliques "Ha?" totally not them, they were also strange with his question.

Suddenly the door was opened by someone "Aikk? Sejak bile kite ada tetamu yg tak di undang ni?" Ayam enter the room with Fakhri behind him.

Fakhri walk towards to Naim, taking a chair sitting next to his bed "Abang kau ok tak ni?" The others was surprised how Fakhri call Naim.

Naim just nod's; taking a deep breath. Fakhri handed the inhaler to him. He cooed, how did Fakhri found that?

"Asal kau tak bawak bende ni dgn kau?" Fakhri voice tone change, he sounds serious.

Naim didn't respond he look at the others "Naim kau..." Fahmi didn't finished his words.

"Nasib baik Fakhri sempat sambut kau sebelum kau terjatuh kat tangga tadi. And lagi satu, pasal file² tu aku dah pass kat Amir, dia dah tau"

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