Broken by love

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9:46 p.m., Palace, Jaipur

Priya's Room

3rd Person

"Noooo" Priya shouted trying to get away from an angry Viraj.

But before she could stop or run, he gripped her arm and started to take her with him.

"What's wrong with you Singhania ?" she shrieked while getting out of his grip.

In a snap, she was cornered to a wall while Abhimanyu held both her hands above her head in a tight grip.

"You love me," he said. It was neither a question nor an answer. It was a fact. 

" Why don't you leave me alone?" she said with deep and torturous pain in her voice. 

"No, You are mine," he said in a dark voice.

"Go away Singhania, I'm getting married" she stated in a firm voice.

Even though she wanted nothing more than to live in her husband's arms but she knew the cost she would've to pay.

"I fucking love you Priya" he shouted.

"I'm get...ting m..arrie.d, a..bhi", I stammered.

"Exactly baby but not with that asshole," he said huskily near my ear.

"Wai-it wh-hat??" she stammered in fear.

Suddenly the room was filled with hundred of his men who were all set with weapons. 

"No Abhi, don't please" she begged him while he took her downstairs.

"I don't love you, Abhi," she said in a firm voice trying her luck for the last time.

Till now they had reached the hall and every single eye was on them. Abhimanyu hearing this left her hand, turned towards her a waved two of his fingers in a lazy manner. In a second, Veer was on the floor with several of his men beating him.

"Will you marry me?' he asked in a dark voice.

When she said nothing he waved his fingers again and both Dhruv and Vivaan were on their knees from the pain they got. They were stabbed.

"Noooooooooo" she shouted.

"Okay let's do this again," he said crazily. "Will you marry me?"

"I--I WH-HAT?" she stammered still in a haze.

He glared at Dheer and then Dheer knew what had to be done.

Priya Mathur could face any torture but would never lead a scratch on her baby brother.

Knowing this, Abhimanyu ordered his men to bring Aadi. 

Terroised of what was about to happen she cried out" No Abhi please." 

But this was not the answer he needed.  His little poor brother was tied to a chair in the worse way possible.

  His little poor brother was tied to a chair in the worse way possible

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Then Dheer took the tape off of his lips and shoved a gun in the mouth.

"Last time baby" he warned " Will you marry me?".

Her lips wobbled from fear seeing the condition of all the men she ever cared about. 

"Fine then," he said in disappointment" Finish them".

"No no no no" she stopped him. "I will marry you".

"Will you?" he asked smugly.

"Y-yes," she said in a defeated voice.

"But, I don't wish to marry you anymore, Convince me," he said with a smirk on his face.

"Marry me Singhania" Her lips wobbled from anger.

"Say you love me," he ordered icily.

"I love you" she gritted as his hands slithered around her neck from behind. Leaving wet kisses, he devoured her neck right there in the ball, marking her as his once again.

 Leaving wet kisses, he devoured her neck right there in the ball, marking her as his once again

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"Bring the garlands" he ordered icily."Time for the mantras" 


Fuck this one was sooooo good, isn't it?

Anyways, vote share follow and comment. 

Bye bye.....

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