♡Chapter - 1♡ (Season 1)

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"Max ! " An angry red owl yelled to a sleepy yellow creature of which appeared to be a combination of a fox and a beaver .
Max slowly stretched and opened his honey colored eyes .

"O-oh Sammy ... You startled me..." He said shyly .

" If you really wanna be a part of this team, I advise you start working more and sleeping less..." Sammy scolded before crossing his arms .

"It's not my fault I can't help it and you know that - " Max said before being cut off by Sammy .

"C'mon, we're going to be late for training ! " Sammy said before walking off leaving a frustrated Max behind .

Max's POV
I sighed as I followed Sammy to Miniforce headquarters . I couldn't blame him for being so mean to me, especially after I... You know what, I shouldn't be really dwelling on those kind of thoughts, it was an accident, I didn't mean to... We finally arrived at the headquarters after about 15 minutes . Lucy and Volt were already there waiting for us .

"What took you guys so long ? " Lucy said looking abit angry .

"Well we would have been here sooner if not for someone..." Sammy responded looking over to me .

"Sorry... " I said looking downwards.

"It's okay, just try not to be late next time " Lucy calmly said .

Volt quietly laughed in the corner and then looked at me . I felt my cheeks heating up like mad, F♡ck, why did she have to be so cute . Volt then slowly walked up to us .

"H-hi Volt " I said nervously .
Volt just smiled at me again, oh right I forgot that she hasn't been able to talk since the 'Incident' .
Just then Commander Chen and Austin, my dad, walked in .

"The training field is ready for you guys, oh and a new communication feature has been added to your suits " Austin said .
"Any questions before you begin training ?"

"I-" I began but was suddenly cut of by Sammy asking what the new communication feature was all about .

"Well, this new communication feature enables you to talk to each other within the suit , meaning ; the villains won't hear your plans ! " Austin explained carefully .

"Wow ! " exclaimed Lucy happily .
Volt just squealed and made a happy squirrel noise .

"Now with that out of the way, it's time ya'll began training ! " Commander Chen chipped in .

"Austin could you go and activate the training field ? "

"Yes sir ! " Austin said running to get the tablet that activated the training system . He came back holding the tablet and pressing some buttons on it .

"Okay, the training field is ready ! " he said, "Good luck you guys !" he said again as he and Commander Chen walked to the training supervision room .

"Okay guys let's go !" Sammy said while leading us to the training room .

Volt's POV
As we walked to the training room, I remembered how the team used to be before the 'Incident', back when I was still leader and how I was jerk to everyone else... Maybe I deserved to have lost my voice... I felt some tears rolling down my cheeks as thought of all the terrible things I did while I was still leader... I never took anything seriously and would make fun of my peers... I see why the others hate me so much, at least now that I've lost my voice, I wouldn't be a burden to them anymore...
I was interrupted in my thoughts by Lucy asking if I was okay, I shook my head in approval and wipped my tears away... I had no right to cry especially after all the stupid and pathetic things I did to others...
We finally entered the training room and transformed into our suits, ready for battle. Robots that appeared to be similar to that of Pascal's Zero bots appeared in front of us, eight (8) in total, that meant two (2) for each of us... Great... I had a feeling that this wasn't going to be so easy...

Sammy's POV
The ro-bots came speeding towards us but little did they know, I was ready for them, two (2) of the bots came running towards me ; I jumped very high landing on one (1) and then punching the other one (1) with ease, I looked around and noticed Lucy had already finished one (1) and was dealing with the second one (1), Volt had finished but looked like she had been injured, she's too weak, I don't even know why she was our leader in the first place, Lucy on the other hand is hard working but too sensitive, while Max is just a straight up mother-f♡cking-scr♡w-up I hated his guts especially after the 'Incident', I wish he was d♡ad. I clenched my fist in anger, envy and hatred, I could never forgive him, especially after what he did to us, I need to make him pay... Without thinking, I activated my force-gun and aimed it at Max who was about to finish his second zero-bot, and fired at him. I heard him yell out in pain as it hit his hand. I smirked secretly as the others ran to help him, he deserved that.

Max's POV
I found my-self in the hospital with Austin, my dad by my side.

"Max ! Oh thank heavens you're okay !, you had me worried sick ! " Austin said with a concerned look on his face.

"I-it's okay dad, I'm okay now, I guess..." I said in a tired tone. The pain I received from the bullet caused me a serious panic attack one that might have killed me even...

"I need to report back to Commander now, I'll come check on you later ! " Austin said befor rushing out.

"okay dad..." I responded quietly .

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