💀"Sir, I'm pregnant"💀

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NOTE : This is not canon nor relates to the AU ! I've very sorry for the late update, I've been really busy with school, I'm working on a new chapter and it will soon be published, Thank you for understanding ^_^ .

♡/ Commander Chen, Volt, [Y/N], Sammy, Lucy, and Max can be seen in the H.Q. .../ ♡

Austin : *Walks-in* ...

Max : Hi dad 😃 .

Austin : ...

Max : 😃...?

Lucy : Good-morning, Austin 😃 .

Austin : ...

Lucy : ah...

Volt : *Squeaks* 🤨 ?

Austin : ...

Sammy : Is everything okay...?

Austin : ...

Commander Chen : Austin ? Hello ?

Austin : ...

[Y/N] : Austin, what happened...?

Austin : I... 😔 *tears begin to form in his eyes*.

Max : *worried* Dad...?

Sammy : What happened...?

Austin : *Falls to his knees* .

Volt : *Squeak* 😨 ?

Lucy : 😣...

Austin : I have something to tell you guys...

Commander Chen : What happened ??

Austin : I'm... pregnant... and you're the father, Sir...

Max & Sammy : HELL NAW , BRO HAS BEEN CLAPPIN' 💀😳  !

Commander Chen : Wha- how !?!?

[Y/N] : 💀 *Passes-out in shock* .

Lucy : How is that even possible ?!, you're a man !? 💀.

Austin : I can't believe it myself, but, I did a pregnancy test... *Drops a positive pregnancy test on the floor* ... and confirmed from a doctor...

♡ / They all stare at the test in shock... / ♡

Commander Chen : Oh no💀

Austin : What should I do Sir...?

Commander Chen : Get rid of it .

Lucy :💀

Austin : Wha-No ! I'm keeping it !

Commander Chen : Then, you're fired ≖_≖ !

Austin : Sir please !

Max : *traumatized*  .

Volt : *Passes out in shock* .

Austin : *begins to sob* S-Sir, you can't just get rid of your child...!

Commander Chen : It's not my child ! It's a faggot !

Sammy : Bruh..💀

Max : 😨

Lucy : 💀😭🥺

Austin : S-Sir, don't say that ! *Still in tears* .

Sammy : Send help ! 💀

Commander Chen : It's not my child, get rid of it !

Austin : No, I'm keeping it :( .

Commander Chen : Then I'll get rid of it myself... *brings out an AK47, slowly approaches Austin* .

Volt : *Squeaks in fear* 😟 !

Austin : Sir, No ! Don't do this ! I'm begging you !

Commander Chen : You left me with no choice ! Good-bye Austin... You were a great employee...*Aims the gun at Austin* .

Max : *Begins to cry* Dad ! No !

Austin : *Accepts his fate* ...

Commander Chen : *Pulls the trigger* .

Austin : *Collapses dead on the ground, bleeds* .

Max : *continues sobbing*.

Lucy : *Hugs Max* I'm sorry...

Volt : *Hugs Max as well* ...

Sammy : ... This...can't be...

Commander Chen : There, problem solved... *smiles in satisfaction* .

Max : How... How could you...?

Lucy : ?

Commander Chen : I did what I had to do, I can't let anyone ruin my reputation, Max...

Max : You selfish...*still crying* bastard... You took him away from me forever...

Commander Chen : Is that supposed to make me feel bad ?-

Max : So, in return...I'll take your life....*suddenly charges at Chen*.

Sammy : *Suddenly grabs Max* No, don't, you'll be no better than him...

Max : B-but...dad... *Begins to cry really hard*.

Lucy : ...We're so sorry Max...

Max : ...*still crying* ..

Commander Chen : *Bursts into laughter* 😂.

Max : What's so funny about this situation ?!

Sammy & Lucy : *Begin to Laugh* 🤣 lol...

Max : *Confused* .

Commander Chen : Alright Austin, you can stop pretending now...

Austin : *Gets-up* Ow, my arm.

Max : Wha- I thought you- *confused* .

Austin : Nah, It was a prank.

Sammy : you should have seen the look on his face lmao...

Max : Not cool guys !

Lucy : Sorry...:(

Sammy : We didn't mean to scare you like that...

Austin : And besides, you of all people should know that bullets don't kill me...

Max : My bad, but still ! I thought I lost you for good...:(

Austin : Sorry...

Commander Chen : Did you really think I would do that ? What kind of person would I be if I did...?

Max : ...💀.

Sammy : So...Who wants Ice-cream...? 😃.

Ipas : 💀

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⏰ Last updated: May 15 ⏰

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