♡☆Chapter - 6 ☆♡

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♡Max's POV ♡
All I could think of was my dad...

Was he hurt...?

What did Pascal do to him...?

Were is he...?

Was he okay...?

I was on my breaking point, stressed to the point where I literally wanted to throw a tantrum .
I hoped he was okay, I loved my dad, more than anything in the world, he was always there for me, he would take the blame when I got into trouble, he would look after me when I was sick or tired, he never put work before me or my siblings even when he was very busy, yet, he was always treated like a personal punching bag by my mother... I don't know what he did to her .
Everynight, I would always hear her yelling at him for one thing or another, be it his dressing, maybe a simple stain on the floor, or sometimes when she was angry and needed to take her anger out on someone, she would abuse and gas-light my dad to the point where I would here him silently crying in his room . I wished I could help him but I would just get hit too...
Please be okay dad...

Sammy put his hand on my shoulder as he noticed me getting lost in thought .

"Max, let's go, we'll look for your dad later, but right now we need to report back to the Commander... :( " Sammy said calmly .

"Okay..." I silently replied as I felt my heart break into two .

Just then, someone came, it was my Dad !, he was okay ! :D
My mood brightened, I transformed back into my normal state, ran to my dad and hugged him .

I began to cry in his arms while he just stroked me and reassured me that everything was alright now .

"Awwwww ! 🥺" Lucy squeeled while Sammy and Volt just smiled .

"You two are so cute 🥺💖" Lucy said .

"Alright, now let's go, we mustn't keep the Commander waiting 😅 ... " My dad said trying to change the topic .

"O-Oh, right, of course 😅" Lucy responded .


♡Chen's POV♡
I paced impatiently around the HQ meeting room, why weren't the rangers back with Austin yet...?, I'm supposed to have a meeting with Commander Zeus and his assistant, if He gets here before the Austin and the rangers do, then I'm doomed 💀, like ruin reputation and lose job doomed 💀, catastrophe doomed 💀, dead doomed 💀 !
Commander Zeus is one of the most powerful Commanders among the Miniforce, one wrong move and your banned from working for the Miniforce for life !
Today, he's supposed to have a meeting with me in order to inspect Ipas, Volt, Sammy, Lucy, Max, and Austin and promote them, how can he do that if they aren't here on time !? 💀

"Enough with the skull emoji's 🤨 ! " (Y/N) said snapping me out of my thoughts .

"Oh, right..." I cleared my throat and continued thinking .

Just then, some one came in, It was Ipas .

"Good day to you Commander, and (Y/N)" Ipas said with a cheerful smile .

"Oh, Ipas, just in time" I calmed down .

"We're back..."

I turned around to see Sammy and the rest of the crew .
There was an awkward but unsettling silence between all of us .

(Sorry, this is a really short chapter to make up for y'know, either way I made a short animation for the AU, Enjoy ^^, and bye for now, see you in the next chapter) .


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