♡ Chapter - 8 ♡

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💖/ TW : Slight mentions of gore, sexual activities, gay romance and lust !

≥∇≤ CHEN'S POV ↓ ≥∇≤

"Shoot, you're really bleeding... Did I really grab you that hard...?" I asked Austin as we rushed to the med-bay .

He began to reply ; "Not really hard-"

"Austin..." I cut him off implying that he he tell me the truth .

"You did... Sir..." He confessed .

I frowned . I didn't mean to hurt him this bad, I've always had trouble with my temper but I never thought it would get to the point of actually hurting someone .

"I'm sorry..." I replied nearly biting my lip .

"It's alright sir...?" He responded sounding confused .

"What ?" I asked curiously .

"It's just... The first Commander I worked for... never cared for me the way you do, even when you're mad at me, you still care... Thank-you Sir..." Austin smiled at me .

His smile sent butterflies down my stomach , I felt my cheeks burning up, did I fall in love with him...? No, I can't, he's just my assistant, nothing more .

"You're welcome Austin..." I smiled back . I felt my heart racing 💓, I felt like I was going to faint .

"Are you alright sir, your face is red...?" Austin asked me with a hint of concern .

"Yeah, I'm fine..." I replied as we entered the med-bay .

No one was here, it was just the two of us... Great...

"Sit 😑" I instructed him as I pointed to the bed .

" O.O " His facial expression changed .

"You heard me 🤨👉 " I said firmly as he simply did what he was told .

I went to the counter and picked up a first-aid box .
Austin just removed his bandana and placed it beside him before beginning to fondle with his fingers .

"Who is this so called Mia ...?" I thought to myself .

I took the first-box and sat beside him . I stared at him for a while, the tension between us was slowly getting thicker .
I sighed, opened the first-aid box and brought out a bandage and a (clean) cloth .
I carefully lifted the cloth and placed it on his neck .

"Tell me if it hurts, okay...?" I told him .

"Okay Sir..." He responded .

I slowly pressed the cloth down on his neck in order to absorb all the blood🩸 and stop the bleeding although he winced a little .
As soon as I was done, I took the bandage and carefully rapped it around his soft and tender neck .
I don't know what came over me, I began to stroke his hair and feel it, his hair felt like and fusion between silk and cotton, it smelled like a rose, but was surprisingly really cold .

"Sir...?" Austin looked at me in slight confusion .

I blushed a little and quickly moved my hands away from him .

"No sir, please... Continue..." Austin stared at me .

I hesitated for a while before putting my hands back on his head and began to pet him softly .
He let out a slighy moan, more like a relaxed sigh .

"So tell me, who is this Mia ?" I asked calmly .

Austin looked at me, he just seemed abit uneasy, or in better words, highly uncomfortable .

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