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Sammy POV
"So, how do you feel now ?" I asked Max while noticing a tiny blood stain on his sleeve .

" My arm still hurts a little but I'll be fine I guess..." He replied me with a faint smile .

"Nice to see you too finally getting along !  ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° " Austin interrupted .

"D-dad !, how long have you been there ?! " Max asked in embarrassment while his cheeks lit up .

"Not too long, but long enough to hear your conversation ;) " Austin teased with a smirk .

I blushed a little after hearing what Austin had said .

"C'mon, Crystal and Milley are waiting for you !" Austin said to Max .

"Crystal and Milley ?, are they your siblings ?" I asked Max curiously .

"Older siblings..." He answered.

"Oh.." I said looking away.

"See you later...?" Max asked with a smile.

"Sure... Bye..." I responded as He and his dad walked away.

I walked out with my dad, he looked really exhausted. All my thoughts racing at once.

"Did I fall in love with Sammy? But I already like Volt...F♡ck... Well, no one ever said I can't have 2 (two) boyfriends ...( ≖ิ‿≖ิ )" I thought to myself .

I looked up and saw Milley and  Crystal waiting for me .
Milley looked calm while Crystal looked dis-pleased as usual . It wasn't any suprise to me, she would always get mad anytime she didn't get what she wanted, she was just a spoiled brat , but... What if there was more to her that I didn't understand...?

I sighed as we got out, thank heavens I finally able to go home, work was exhausting...
I yawned and stretched. Milley walked up to Max, those two were inseparable , they cared for each other dearly , I swear, Milley couldn't stand when someone hurt Max, he would throw a serious fit . Crystal on the other hand was just like her Mother... The thought of her and her mom filled me with dread...

"Oh my God !, are you alright !?, who did this to you !?" Milley asked in disbelief .

"I'm fine, I swear.." Max said smilling at him .

"Dad, can we f♡cking go home now !?, I can't believe we wasted time  because of him ! " Crystal yelled at me while pointing to Max .

"Right, sorry 'bout that..." I calmly responded .

"You really didn't have to yell-" Max tried to calm her down .

"Shut the f♡ck up sl♡t !, I wasn't asking you ! " She screamed at him .

"Let's just get going..." I interrupted trying to pretend I didn't hear her .

I didn't want to displease her even more or I'd have to face the consequence of being 'scolded' by her Mother . I felt bad for not standing up for Max but if I did it would only make matters worse for him and I .
We all got into the car acting as if nothing happened .
As I began driving, I slowly began to dissosiate from reality, I didn't even remember that I was even driving in the first place .
My mind slowly becoming numb with each second I drove .

"Dad, look out for that car !!" Milley screamed with fear .

I almost hit a car in front of us . I must have really zoned out...

"My bad !" I said awkwardly as I slowed the car down .


♡Sammy POV♡

(ⓒArt by @SecretBitch on youtube )

I walked around the headquarters aimlessly, there was nothing to do, no one to talk to, especially after the stunt I pulled...
Lucy was probably still mad at me...
I needed to apologize to her, she was my friend after all, I need to treat her right, she deserves better . She was always there for me, even when I was sick, she always took care of me and the team and always forgave our wrong doings . I admired her kind and innocent behavior .
Volt, on the other hand, always came up with new ways to annoy and bring down the team, at least, before he lost his voice, but yet, showed so much dedication into protecting others . Even when he made me mad, I couldn't help but secretly feel sorry for him, maybe he was going through something that no one was aware of, maybe family issues, probably why he joined the miniforce, to get away from home . I guess that explains why he's the only one who doesn't go home to see his family, not even his older brother, Mika, after all they say, "Everyone is fighting their own internal battle that no one else is aware of" . I don't know why, but this made so much sense to me . His behavior made me fall in love with him, but I already like Max, shoot... maybe I was just overthinking...
Last but not least, Max(\Adam) . I couldn't stop thinking of him, he always gave me butterflies in my stomach, he was the most innocent and helpful out of the team and his gentle smile was just so adorable . I liked him, I loved him even ! I just don't understand why he betrayed the team like that...
Was it... Was it because of the way we treated him...?

(ⓒArt by @SecretBitch on youtube )

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