♡ Chapter - 7 ♡

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⊂(◉‿◉)つ☆(Y/N)'s POV☆⊂(◉‿◉)つ ↓

"We're all here, good..." Commander Chen said finally breaking the silence .

Ipas sighed .

"Pascal has returned, feels... Strange..." Sammy said .

"Maybe it's because we haven't fought him in a while..." Lucy replied .

"We... We shouldn't let him get to us..." Max said to the suprise of everyone, they all stared at him .

"Sure, he may have gotten stronger, but that has never stopped us before, has it...? " Max continued .

"No, it hasn't, and it won't stop us now..." Sammy finished .

Lucy and Ipas gave a sigh of relief and Max smiled for the first time in weeks .

Austin checked the time, "Crud !" he exclaimed .

We all looked at him in curiosity .

"You know I'm not usually the type to curse but, Commander Zeos is gonna be here any f❤ck🖤ng minute now 🥲💀..." He explained .

"Again with the cringe skull emoji '💀' 🥱🙄" (I) complained .

"O-oh right, go get the documents from my office Austin, as for the rest of you, get to your places !" Commander Chen ordered not minding (Y/N) .

"🙄" (I) sighed in disappointment .

"Yes sir !" The rest of them replied as they carried out the instructions that had just been given .

A few minutes later, Commander Zeos and his P.A. , Luke, had finally arrived .
Luke led Commander Zeos in along with two guards .

"Wow, he must be really important 🤨..." (I) thought to (My)-self .

Commander Chen seemed uneasy and anxious .

"Don't worry, You've got this 😉👌" Austin whispered to Commander Chen reassuringly .

Commander Chen smiled back at him and looked away, Wait, did he just blush 😳, Oh... I see 🤨😏 💞 ...

"🤨📸 sus..." (I) thought to (my)-self .

Commander Zeos looked around, obviously looking for something to judge .

"Ahem 🤨🥱😑🤨..." Luke cleared his throat .

"Oh, right 😶" Austin said as he ran to another room to get something .

He came back out followed by Max and Sammy with two chairs (one for Chen and one for Zeos), a bottle of water, a mug, a glass, and a jar of coffee .
Austin carefully placed the cup down near Zeos on the table and began to poor coffee in it . As soon as he was finished, Zeos inspected it .

"It's warm, I always prefer cool coffee 😑😕..." He said disappointedly .

"Get him cold coffee retard !" Luke instructed Austin as he poored the cup of coffee on the floor .

Austin sighed, went back in, came out with another cup of coffee, and a mop to clean the floor .

Luke inspected the coffee ; "better 🙄..." he said and Austin returned the mop, came back and stood by the Commander's side .

"😑🖕..." Austin thought as he glared at Luke, he looked like he wanted to murder him, wow, Austin has never been this mad before...

"He's just like Mia..." Austin mumbled silently to himself .

"What was that Austin ?" Commander Zeos asked Austin .

Austin snapped back to reality and stuttered ; "Oh, I just remembered I needed to get one more document, b-but it's not that important Sir 😅" .

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