♡ Chapter - 4 ♡

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♡ Max's POV ♡
My dad parked the car, I began to feel dizzy and told them I just needed to lay down .

"What happened to me...?" I thought to my self .

My life was a mess...
I had hurt my friends, I had hurt everyone...
They're just being nice to me out of pity...
They all hate me...
I took away their joy and peace...
I'm an idiot...
I deserve to suffer...
Why didn't they just...lock me up and k☆ll me...?
I laid on the bed in my room staring at the ceiling . I felt myself slowly drifting off to sleep .
I found myself in a room surrounded by bodies...de☆d bodies covered in bl◇◇d . There was also bl◇◇d and a knife in my hands . What had I done !?
I began to panic as Pascal approached me, he too was once an agent for the Miniforce .

"Nice job, Max..." He said to me and smirked, "Now all you have to do is finish what you've started..." He said pointing to Volt who was bl♧♧ding mercilessly on the ground...

Volt looked traumatized as Pascal pointed at him .

"Max... Please don't...hurt me... Please... I'm sorry... Please-" Volt's plea was cut off by Pascal stepping on his neck.

"C'mon now, don't waste my time, after all this is what you wanted..." He looked at me.

"N-no... No! Stay away from him !" I cried .

I suddenly sat up-right, I realised it wad just a dream . I was sweating from head to toe .
I buried my face in my pillow and began to cry .

"Why...why was this happening...?" I thought as tears rolled down my cheeks .

"Adam... Can I come in...?" My dad knocked on the door .

"Okay..." I replied wiping my tears .
I didn't want him to know I was crying, especially when I deserved it...

♡ Austin's POV ♡
I opened the door to Max's room, I always referred to him by his other name, at least only at home .
I entered the room, he was on his bed, he had used a pillow to hide his face, the pillow was wet, obviously he had been crying and hoped I wouldn't notice .

"You've been crying..." I said while sitting beside him on his bed .

He didn't reply nor make a sound, he just laid there, looking empty...

"I'm sorry..." He finally spoke.

"For...?" I asked him .

"It's because of me that you and mom don't get along anymore..." He replied .

"It's not your fault, it's mine... I should have stood up to her a long time ago..." I told him while seeming irritated by my own body . What he said brought back alot of memories, both good and bad .

"I guess... Mom hates us..." He said to me again.

"She doesn't hate us... She just...needs some time...". I could hear the unsureness in my voice as I said that, his mom hated my guts, pretty sure she wants me dead, but hating Max, I'm not sure about that .

I sighed, things had been tough for everyone lately .

"You want to come to HQ tomorrow or...?" I asked him awkwardly .

"I will..." He replied quietly .

I smiled at him and hugged him .

"Dad... Can I ask you something...?" He asked me unexpectedly .

"Sure...?" I replied in a confused manner .

"I-" Max was suddenly cut off by his force gem ringing .

"Oh, looks like you have to go..." I said dissapointedly .

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