☆ Christmas Special ☆

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(Y/N) : Okay everyone, open the gifts I got you ^_^ .

Jobs : yahoo ! *opens their gift* A coloring set ? YIPEE !!

Dangerous : hmmm... *opens his gift* :O Yes ! A PS5 ^-^

Molley : *opens her gift* A new dress ? It's so pretty (≧◡≦) !

Jonathan : *opens his gift* Awww, a cute pink sweater (*◕ᴗ◕*), I love it so much .

Rogers : *opens his gift* >:) An AK47 !

Nora : *opens her gift* A bunny plushie ! hugs the plush (≧◡≦) .

Dr.P : *opens his gift*, gasp A new computer ? Thank-you so much ^_^

Bunsen : *opens his gift*  A new lab coat, yahoo !

Candy : (*◕ᴗ◕*) *opens her gift exitedly* Yipee ! A barbie doll set !

Mr.Goat : (。◕ˇ_ˇ◕。) *slowly opens his gift*  Ah yes, a mug  *happy goat noises* .

Liam : *opens his gift*, smiles A Nintendo Switch ! :D

Rosse : *opens her gift*  a new flower vase, now I have somewhere to keep my roses OvO .

Cass : *drops the gift and runs away*

Toffe : *gasps* A new electronic key-board ! *hugs (Y/N)* .

Nien : Pathetic, let's see what I got... opens his gift, gasps A new speaker ! *smiles with pride* .

Lucy : *opens her gift* A new bow, awww ^_^ .

Volt : *opens her gift* [POV] Yahoo ! A new phone ! [E.POV] .

Max : *opens his gift* Huh...? New headphones ?, Gee, thanks a bunch ! 🥺

Sammy : *opens his gift* A new pair of sneakers ! :D

Mika : *opens his gift* A new sword >:3 !

Austin : Hey Chen, I got you something...

Chen : Huh, what is it ?

Austin : Open it and see...

Chen : Okay..? *opens the gift* A leash ? For a pet right ?

Austin : ( ≖ิ‿≖ิ ) .

Chen : F-for a pet right !? 😳

Austin : ( ≖ิ‿≖ิ ) .

Chen : Austin !! 😭

Solarice : what about me...? :(

(Y/N) : You've been naughty >:( .

Solarice : Oh... :(

(Y/N) : *goes after Cass* Cass, wait up !

Cass : :(

(Y/N) : You didn't open your gift...

Cass : What if it's a prank like last time...?

(Y/N) : What do you mean 'last time' ?

Cass : Last Christmas, I got pranked and everyone laughed at me... :( .

(Y/N) : Oh No, I would never do that, I promise... :(  I'm really sorry that happened to you though...

Cass : It's okay...

Solarice : 🥺👉👈, 😔👉👈...

(Y/N) : Fine... *gives Solarice a gift* .

Solarice : *opens the gift* Yahoo ! New boots, thanks alot ! 😭🥺💖 .

[EVERYONE] : Merry Christmas !! :D .

[EVERYONE] : Merry Christmas !! :D

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