♡ Chapter - 9 ♡

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(◍•ᴗ•◍)♡ ✧*. / CHEN'S POV

I woke-up to see Austin sitting up, he was just....thinking, I wondered what he was thinking of .
I checked the time on my phone, it was 7:12am .
I yawned and streched making Austin aware that I was awake .

"Did I wake you up, Sir...?" He turned around .

"No, not at all, I'm just used to waking up at this time..." I responded .

"Oh, okay then.." He faced front .

I don't know what had gotten into me but I couldn't resist the texture of his hair . Out of the blue, I began to stroke him gently .

"Sir..." He purred quietly .

"So, how do feel now ? Does your neck still hurt you...?" I asked him in anticipation .

"Only a little Sir, but I'll be fine, I've been through much worse, trust me Sir OvO" He looked back at me and gave me an unsettling smile .

I looked at him in concern, "This isn't funny Austin, you need help..." .

He frowned and gave no response, I just stared at him .

"I should probably go..." He said .

"One more thing before you go..." I added .

"Hmmm...?" He stared at me .

I unexpectedly pulled him in closer and kissed him (again), he was so irresistible . He gasped before slowly melting into the kiss and hugging me .
We broke the kiss and he got up and went out, I sighed and followed him out till we got to the main exit .

"Bye sir..." He whispered before walking off .

※☺︎Lᵒᵛᵉ💛ᵧₒᵤ☺︎※ / MAX'S POV

I was at home, in my room just laying on my bed . I wondered if my dad was home yet .
I could here my mother...yelling... I just didn't know who she was yelling at... I guess you could say I was...scared, What if she came to hit me again like last time ? I wondered why or who she was yelling at this time.
I yawned, it was too early for this crap .
I got up and went to my brother, Milley's room . He was still asleep on the bed, I smiled at the sight . I'm just glad he's okay 🙂👌 .
His computer was still on, he was probably working on an animation and didn't finish it .
I went downstairs, saw my mother and not much to my suprise, she was yelling at my dad, no, it looked more like they were arguing about something .
Crystal just stood there watching them, seeming not to care .

"Where were you last night !?" My mother screamed .

"At work 😑..." My dad briefly responded .

"Liar, you're probably cheating on me,  you don't love me !" My mother began to guilt-trip .

"Oh, so you don't even trust me now, do you ?" My dad replied seeming annoyed at the statement .

"Don't change the topic, Austin !, you probably wish you never met me !, don't you !?" She growled .

"..." My dad gave no response, instead he looked down .

"You ungrateful mother-f☆☆☆er !" She hissed .

"You were right, I am cheating on you..." My dad paused .

Crystal seemed shocked by this statement, I was too 😳, my dad was always caring, loving and considerate of other people's feelings no matter how badly you offended him, I guess he finally snapped, I would too if in this situation, I'm not sure about Crystal or Milley though . I'm guessing Crystal would have fought back, but Milley would probably endure the abuse .

"Sure, cheating on you is most definitely wrong, but it doesn't it make it right if you treat like your personal punching bag !? you never appreciate anything me or the kids do !, you compare to others, constantly body shame me, hit me, yell at me and then proceed to make it look like I'm the ONE at FAULT !? Don't you THINK you DESERVE to be cheated on !? Oh and don't act like you don't do it too, I know all about your little 'affair' with Jeremy !" He continued in tears .

My mother just stared at him in rage .
I couldn't believe what I'd just heard, Jeremy was my dad's older brother, my Uncle, the one who s♡xually abused Milley for 4 years when he only 11 . Luckily he had moved out, leaving my poor defenceless brother alone . The fact that my own mother would date someone that literally traumatized her own child is disgusting !
She slapped my dad hard to the extent that he began to bleed .

"I'll kill you b☺︎tch..." My mother grinned as she picked up a nearby vase and proceeded to smash it on my dad's head .

At this point, there was blood all over the floor, my dad fell to his knees, he looked like he was in alot of pain . I looked at Crystal, she looked at me with a blank expression on her face .

"He did this to himself..." She whispered to me before going back upstairs .

My mother then pulled put a pocket knife .

"Go ahead, end me..." My dad looked at her weakly before passing out .

"Mom, stop !" I screamed in horror .

She glarred at me .

"Oh, so you're on his side now !?" She yelled .

"No, I'm not on anyone's side, but what you're doing is wrong ❌, please Mother, he loved you, why didn't you treat him the same way !?, what did he do to you !?" I responded almost crying .

My mother didn't respond, she just looked at me unbothered by my statement .

"He gave you everything..." I mumbled .

"How DARE you talk to me that way, I sacrifice my time and luxuries raising you and THIS is how you re-pay me !?" She approached me .

Something inside me told me I was in danger, that I was about to loose my life if I didn't escape her presence . Without a second thought, I began to run up the stairs . I could feel my heart racing as she chased after me to my room .
I tripped as she finally caught up to me .

"Say your prayers Max, hope I don't accidentally end you..." She glared at me .

I began to cry, I was scared, terrified even, she wasn't my mom, she's a MONSTER !
Just when I thought all hope was lost...

"Freeze Ma'am !, You're under arrest for abuse and attempted murder !, you have the right to remain silent or anything you say will be used against you in court !" A police stood behind her with a gun .

I was relieved, the police had arrived but...

Who called them...?

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