♡Chapter - 2♡

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"Why did you do that !?" Lucy yelled at Sammy with an annoyed look on her face .

"Do what ?" Sammy responded seeming not to be bothered .

"Why did you shoot Max !? , you could have killed him !" Lucy screamed again .

"It was an 'accident', besides don't you think he deserved to die as well ? Or do I need to remind you about what he did to Prince Mika !?" Sammy responded looking guilty on his face .

"I..." Lucy sighed and bent her head knowing it was useless to speak back to him .

Lucy's POV
I remember what Max did to (prince) Mika... But he didn't mean to... I wish we could still be friends again like we used to...
I decided to check on Max in the hospital, maybe I could make him feel better .
I entered his hospital room and saw that he was sitting up right, he looked abit tense and anxious , he noticed me and looked up.

"Oh L-Lucy, I didn't see you there..." Max said nervously rolling down the sleeves of his blue hoodie, I noticed his right sleeve had a stain of blood on it, I wondered why he rolled them up in the first place...

"Hi, how are you feeling now...?" I asked politely .

"Better I guess... Thanks for asking anyway especially after what I...you know..." he said looking down.

He gasped as I placed my hand on his shoulder, I forgot how stressed he had been since the 'Incident' .

"Everything will be fine, the others just need more time to heal, that's all..." I assured him .

"Thank-you, I'm glad we're friends. " he said hugging me and smiling weakly.

"Anytime !" I said before walking out.
As I walked out I ran into Mika...f♡ck...

"Lucy, I've been looking for you..." Mika said calmly.

"Oh sorry about that... I've just been busy..." I responded trying to hide my blush.

"Oh I understand, It's not you're fault, It's that monster that should be sorry, especially after what he did to us, he needs to pay, he's a treat to society that needs to taken care of before things get worse..." Mika told me looking abit angry.

I couldn't believe what I was hearing from him, how'd dare he'd talk about my friend like that, Max didn't mean to hurt anyone, gosh why are people so mean...

"That reminds me, I need you to quit working for the miniforce right away. " he continued .

"I can't ! " I said shocked by what I just heard .

"You will and that's final !" he yelled at me .

"No..., I'm sorry Mika but the answer is no..." I said before he slapped me.

"You stupid b♡tch !, I gave you Everything and this is how you repay me !, well then, you can forget that I was ever your boyfriend..." Mika said angrily before walking off .

I sighed and shook my head, I felt myself on the verge of tears, why did everyone have to be so mean especially at a time like this... I suddenly felt someone hugging me, it was Volt . He was the only person who treated everyone else right even when he couldn't talk .

"Thank-you Volt..." I quietly said.

Volt POV
I smiled at Lucy, I'm hated seeing her like this, I just wish I could tell her that she wasn't alone .

Meanwhile, with Max ♡
"I'm so stupid... All of this is my fault... I deserve to suffer, I wish I had died..."
I thought to myself as looked at the cuts on my wrists, I deserved it... I couldn't blame anyone for hating me... Niether could I force them to forgive me, it was their choice not mine.
I sighed as I carefully got off the hospital bed .

Meanwhile, with Sammy ♡
Sammy POV
I knew what I did to Max was wrong, I just don't know what got over me.
I liked Max, not as a friend, but as something more, I was just angry, I owed him an apology, not just him, Lucy, Volt and Austin...
My behavior had been kind of childish and irresponsible lately, I had totally misued my new position as leader , I need to make it up to the rest of the team, but how...?
How do I show them that I was sorry for how I treated them...?
I was walking to the ICU when someone bumped into me and fell.
It was Max.

"Sorry, I wasn't watching where I was going, I-" He began before I cut him off.

"I'm sorry..." I said stretching out my hand towards him .

"I'm sorry too..." he said while grabbing my hand and pulling himself up .

We stood there for a while looking at each other awkwardly . I felt my cheeks heating up as they slowly turned pink .

" So, we're good...?" Max said finally breaking the tension between us .

I nodded my head in agreement .

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