♡Chapter - 5♡

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(☆ Trigger warning ! : This Chapter contians sexual activities, please do not read if you find it uncomfortable !!, Please note however that I do not support rape, prostitution(without consent) or any other sex related harm or abuse . If you know or suspect anyone being sexually abused or traffickated, please contact authorities and make sure the individual gets help . What ? Everyone writes something like this at a particular point in time of their lives 🥲😅, so please don't hate me...)

♡Austin's POV♡
"Ouch, my head... Where the f♡ck am I ?" I thought as I regained consciousness .
I was in a room very unfamiliar to me, I thought back and remembered Pascal .

"Oh shoot... He must have captured me and brought me here... But...what was that thing he was holding...?, It looks dangerous..." I thought to myself as I scanned the room .

There was a table not to far from me. My neck felt really uncomfortable, I placed my hands around it and realised that I was wearing a collar . The collar was made of metal, and from the looks of it, required a remote control to work .
I heard some voices and footsteps approaching from outside . It sounded like someone was coming into the room that I was in .
I went back to old position and pretended to still be unconscious .
Two guards along with Pascal entered the room .

"Stay here and watch him, when he wakes up, bring him to the lab and inform me." Pascal instructed the guards .

"Yes Pascal..." The first guard responded .

"Good, no if you excuse me, I'll be on my way to distract those "Mini-pests", so don't f♡ck this up !" Pascal said coldly to the guards as he walked out .

'Mini-pests'? Was that the best insult he could think of !? Wow, so f♡cking original Pascal, nice one b♡tch...
I needed to think of a plan to escape this place .
I slowly got up making sure I had the guards attention .

"Hey, where the f♡ck do you think you're going !?" The first guard said after noticing me .

I had an idea, a very stupid one, I thought if I 'pleased' the guards and made them 'feel good', maybe they would get distracted giving me an opportunity to escape . Here goes nothing .
I began to slowly unbutton my shirt as the guards just stood there, staring in confusion .

"Enjoying the show~ ?" I looked at them and smiled lustfully .

The guards just looked at me with a  smirk .

I then slowly put my hands into my trousers and began stroking myself in some 'naughty' places . The plan was working, I just needed to give them 'more'...
I moaned and looked at the guards pleadfully as a continued stroking myself harder and faster, I could see the lust in their eyes, I knew how bad they wanted to f♡ck me and I was giving them an opportunity .

"Why don't we give him what he wants~ ?" The second guard said to the first as he locked the door .

They transformed back to their animal forms and began to strip their clothes revealing their muscular body and their large, s♡xy- I MEAN greasy 0\\\0, protruding members .
My face went red just thinking of it, imagine how good it will feel inside.... I guess a little 'fun' wouldn't hurt~ ...
Would it...?


Sammy's POV
We arrived at the battle ground where Pascal was waiting for us . Something didn't seem right...

"Welcome back Miniforce..." Pascal grinned .

"What do you want Pascal, don't you ever get tired ?!" I yelled at him almost loosing my temper, but Lucy shoved me signalling that I needed to calm down .

Max seemed anxious, he'd been fondling with his fingers for a while .

"Max, you good...?" I whispered to him placing my hand on his shoulder .

"Y-yeah... I'm... 'good'..." He stuttered .

Pascal noticed us, "Gross !, all this gay love is making me sick, Zero-Bots, attack !" He yelled as the Zero-Bots began shooting . 
We all charged in and began to do what we did best .

"Force-Gun, transform !" Lucy yelled as she began taking down the Zero-Bots with ease .

I activated my Force-Bow, jumped and began firing . I swear, it's like these Zero-Bots get weaker everyday .
All the Zero-Bots had finally been taken down, Pascal just stood there in utter disbelief .

"Y-y'know what, Screw you Miniforce, luckily for you, I've captured your little friend, Austin !" He said in a fit of a rage .

"Oh-No !" Lucy exclaimed while Max's and Volt's eyes widened in shock .

♡ Austin's POV ♡
The guards stood in front of me, and smirked maliciously .

"Don't worry, we'll make sure to put you in your place, you h♡rny little brat~" The first guard said coldy .

"Right, let's make a deal..." I said back .

"Hmmm... And what would that be...?" The second guard asked .

"Well, If you 'put me in my place', you'll let me go before Pascal comes ?" I asked them waiting for a response .

"Fine then.." The first guard said .

"Sounds like a deal to me..." The second guard spoke .

"Well then, put me in my place~....." I said lustfully .

I knelt down, waiting for them to do what ever they wanted with me . The first guard unexpectedly grabbed me by my hair and forced me down on his 'member' . My eyes widened as I nearly choked on it .
He began dragging my head back and forth on his 'member' . My mind slowly becoming numb .
He finally 'came' .

"Swallow all of it, every last f♡cking drop b♡tch !" He commanded .

I choked causing his 'liquids' to drop on the floor .

"Ah !" I yelped as he grabbed me by my waist .

"I told you to swallow all of it, didn't I ?~ " He asked me as he slowly moved his hands to my thighs .

I didn't reply, all I did was look down . I guess this was something I had craved for a long time... Attention...

About an hour later, the two guards had gotten what they wanted . They took me to the back exit and warned to be careful, I thanked them and we all went our separate ways . I wondered why they had decided to help me though...


I hoped my dad was okay, I felt like screaming, crying even but I couldn't, instead I stood there, paralyzed with fear .

"So Max, what do you plan on doing ?" Pascal said interrupting my thoughts  .

"He doesn't plan on doing anything !" Sammy yelled back at Pascal with a hint of clear annoyance .

"What's your problem Pascal, why won't you leave me alone, what did I ever do to you...?" I finally spoke leaving my teammates in shock .

"Oh you know why..." Pascal said with a malicious smirk .

I glared at Pascal while trying to gather my thoughts .

"We'll meet again..." Pascal said coldly before disappearing into a cloud of purple smoke .

"Don't worry Max, we'll get your dad, we promise " Lucy reassured me .

"I hope so..." I quietly responded .

Something wasn't right...

(The next chapter is going to be a special in order to make up for this trash )

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