(◍•ᴗ•◍)♡ ✧*。Chapter - 10(◍•ᴗ•◍)♡ ✧*。

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(◍•ᴗ•◍)♡ ✧*./ MAX'S POV

"Who called them...?" I thought to myself as they the officer put my mother in hand-cuffs .
Another Officer came in and helped me up .

"Are you okay Dear, are you hurt ?" The officer said as he looked at me in a concerned way .

"I'm okay, but you should really check on my dad..." I quietly responded .

"Don't worry, your dad will be fine, he's currently being attended to as we speak, I hope you don't mind, but I'd like to ask you a few questions...?" The officer looked at me reassuringly .

I nodded my head in agreement .

"Okay, how long has this been going on...?" He asked .

"About, all my life, I'm not sure..." I responded .

"How old are you 🤨 ...?" He look at me .

"I'm 16 years old, next week will be my 17th birthday..." I looked down .

"So you're still a minor ?, interesting..." The officer began to write down .

I sighed .

"Your full name..." He turned his attention to the blood stains on the floor .

"Max Adam Harrison " I responded as I began to feel uncomfortable with all the questions .

"Okay, did anyone else suffer any form of abuse ?, currently or some time ago...?" He looked at me sternly .

"Yes, some-time ago, my brother, Milley...
He was 11years old when my dad's older brother, Jeremy, came to stay with us .
He had lost his job and his house had gotten burnt down, or so I heard . He had no where else to stay and since, and my dad was forced by his parents to let him stay with us until he was financially stable .
On his first few days of staying with my dad, he was very nice towards us, especially to my brother, Milley, he would often take us out and give us gifts anytime we got good-grades or did something good, he took care of us and treated us like his own kids . To us, he was like the mother we never had .
Sometime after my brother turned 12, Jeremy would often compliment on his looks, telling how 'cute' and 'innocent' he looked and would spend more time with him .
I and my sister, Crystal, took notice of this but didn't really think much of it, I wish we did though . Over time my brother changed ; anytime Jeremy was around him, he would seem uncomfortable and gloomy . I told my mom, but as usual, I was ignored and told that I was being 'overdramatic' .
One day, when I went to take some books from my brothers room, I saw Jeremy.... He was s※※xually abusing him amd touching him in some... Inappropriate places... My brother was... crying, begging him to stop even... It was a very traumatic day for both him and my dad...
I then did what my mind told me to do ; with tears in my eyes, I ran downstairs and told my dad everything that had seen .
My dad couldn't believe it, his own brother was a pedo that targeted innocent defenceless little children like my self... It really hurt my dad .
My dad felt like it was all his fault and had attempted s※※cide that day, luckily he was found un-time and given medical care and therapy... My dad eventually reported to the previous police unit but wasn't taken seriously because he known to hallucinate, especially at night .
Jeremy was eventually kicked out and we never saw him again... " I narrated carefully .

"All right, thanks for your time, Max.." The officer said as he walked out .

I sighed, today had been the worst day of my life .

"You can thank me later..." Cystal walked in on me .

"Thank-you for what ? Almost letting dad get killed ?" I glared at her .

"More like for saving his life..." She added .

I looked at her in curiosity .

"Who do you think called the police ?" She smirked .

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