゚ヮ゚ Chapter - 11 ゚ヮ゚

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(≧◡≦) / SAMMY'S POV

I was still disappointed . Max had never backed down from a fight before and now, he'd no longer a member of our team, I don't know how I'll tell Commander Chen this .
I was so stressed right now, what has my life become ?

Lucy looked at me , "You okay Sammy...?" .

"Yeah, just a bit stressed, that's all..." I responded .

"Maybe... We shouldn't have been to hard on him..." Lucy suggested .

"I mean, we were kind of rude to him and be-littled his feelings like they didn't matter..." I replied looking down .

"Maybe we should go back..." Lucy added .

"Sure, C'mon Volt ." I expected a little 'squeak' response in return but there was nothing but total silence .

"Volt...?" Lucy and I finally turned to look behind us but to our suprise there was nothing there .

"Oh no, Volt's not here !" Lucy began to panic .

"M-maybe she went back to the HQ without us noticing ??" I tried to calm her down .

"Maybe or she's been kidnapped or even worse, she got lost and probably injured herself !" Lucy argued .

We suddenly heard a loud thud behind us , it was Volt .

"Phew, we thought something happened to you..." Lucy sighed .

Volt just smiled nervously .

"You okay Volt...?" I asked her as she nodded her head in response .

"Volt's hiding something..." I thought to myself as we continued walking .

"It's late..." Lucy said as she looked up at the dark sky .

"Yeah... We can't report back to the Commander now... :/" I replied .

Lucy sighed, "At least maybe it'll give Max an opportunity to change his mind..." .

"Right..." I replied .


(◕ᴗ◕) / MAX'S POV

I checked the time on my phone, it was now 10:59pm, I looked at the mirror, my hair was a mess... I looked.... Tired...? No, more like.... Hopeless....?
I grabbed my phone, it was... Unlocked...? That's strange, I thought I locked it, oh well .
I grabbed my pocket knife, y'know, for safety purposes 🥲 .
I walked out the room into the hallway .

"Where are you going...?" Milley folded his arms as he examined me .

"Ummm, to the HQ...?" I lied .

"Right..." Milley looked away .

"Did I wake you up...?" I tried changing the topic .

"Kind of... Where's mum and dad...?" He queried .

I didn't respond .

"Max, where are they ?" He stared at me .

"I... They... Ummm, went on a date ?" I smiled nervously .

"Uh-huh, I ain't buying it, last time I checked, Mom hated Dad's guts, I pretty sure they didn't just 'go on a date' 🤨" He replied .

"Fine, Mom got arrested, you know why, and Dad's in the hospital 🙂" I said fustrated .

"Oh..." He walked back into his room .

"Real... 😑" I sighed as I went downstairs .

Crystal could be seen on her computer doing something, possibly assignment, not my business .

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