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What is your opinion on working in the military? Because I think it is the best thing that could happen to me. Especially the Special Forces. I love what I do. It does have its ups and downs, but at the end of the day, I do not regret a thing.

I joined the military the moment I finished high school. It was something I really wanted. I come from a family that has always worked in the military. It's an honor for me to be able to continue what my ancestors did. Despite our family history, my aunts didn't want me to join the military. They said that maybe I should choose a different career because of my parents and all. But I refused, as you can see.

When you join the military, you know that you might not come back. Everyone knows the risks, and that's what I liked about this job. I want to protect my country and everyone that lives here. And I will die protecting it, just like my parents did before me.

I have worked my ass to get to where I am today, and I am very proud of myself. I deserve my position because I know I am as capable as a man to have it. Many people disagree with the fact that a woman will be able to command them and they will not be able to disagree with her. And with many people, I mean men. But what can I say? They can go and cry about it.

In all my years in service, I have worked with many incredible people. I have made friendships, but I have also lost some. I have been betrayed and tortured more times than I can count, but I always managed to get up and finish my mission.

You do not, and I mean, you do not want to be on my bad side. I might be a woman, but I know how to kill and torture someone better than most men in the military. And I promise you, I will enjoy it when I do it.

Anyway, enough about that. Let's get into what the hell is going on here. I know you are curious, and that's why you are reading this. I don't know if you know, but four years ago there was a terrorist called Hassan Zyani, yes, that bitch, and he wanted to start a war with the Americans by stealing their missiles and using them against them, but now he is dead thanks to Task Force 141. Good job, guys! Well, he also worked with the Mexican Cartel to achieve that. Now the head of this cartel is called El Sin Nombre, also known as Valeria Garza. A bad bitch, if you ask me. I do admire her work and her courage. She is respected by everyone, and no one dares to go against her. Or you know she will kill them with no mercy.

Now you might be wondering, Ellie, how the fuck do you know so much about this? This is supposed to be a top secret. Well, you are correct, this is a top-secret, but if you are about to put your ass in this case and help Task Force 141, you do need to have this information. But as a fucking lieutenant, I do get more information than any of my sergeants.

Valeria escaped a few months ago. The Mexican Forces tried to catch her in Al Mazrah, but she escaped. There was no sign of her until now. Laswell wants her detained, and that's what we are going to do. What Laswell wants, Laswell gets.

So here comes my connection with the Task Force. They are on their way here to Armonia with some people from the Mexican Forces, and my job is to help them find her. Our lead says that Valeria is going to be in a meeting with other cartel and mafia members from around the world. But that will be later, at the end of the month.

Right now, we have bigger problems. We believe that she is going to bring some of her goodies here to Greece, and I cannot have that. We already have drug and gun problems, and if Valeria succeeds, we will have a bigger problem. She cannot have Greek territory. She will be even more powerful than she is.

"Lily," one of my sergeants said. But well, I was a little occupied with playing basketball. What? I can spend some free time with my men. It's not against the rules.

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