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The day of the betrayal

After Ellie left Alejandro behind, bleeding out, Soap and Rudy managed to get out to the northern side. They saw Alejandro alone on the grass while a car was leaving. They quickly ran to see what happened.

"Alejandro, what happened? Where's Ellie?" Soap asked, worried about his friend.

"She is working with Valeria! She is the one who shot me." Alejandro said as Rudy was helping him get up.

Ellie betrayed us? That was Soap's first thought. Sure, he had been betrayed before, but he never expected that from her. He trusted her with everything. She knew things no one else knew. How could she do this to him? To Alejandro? To her team? Her family? He was angry that he didn't see that coming. He pulled his M13 up and started shooting at the car that was getting away. It was bulletproof, so the bullets didn't do anything. But he didn't stop. He only pulled the gun down when there were no more bullets in it.

"Soap. What's going on?" Ghost spoke through the communications. Simon was trying to find a better spot up the hill when everything happened.

"It's Ellie. She..." Soap didn't want to admit it. If he did, it meant that everything was true. Ellie would have used her rank in the military to get the information Valeria needed. It would also mean that Ellie helped her stay off the radar for all these months. "She betrayed us. She was working with Valeria all along. We trusted her, and she sold us out. She shot Alejandro."

Ghost let out a breath. "I've told you, Johnny. The people you know can hurt you the most." Ghost has been betrayed so much in his life that he knows he should not trust people. But Ellie was different. She was one of the people he allowed to trust and let his guard down. He would never admit it, but he was hurt, even though he wouldn't show it. "We need to get Alejandro back to base and call Laswell."

They went back to base, and there was a medic waiting to assist Alejandro. The bullet didn't hit anything that would leave permanent damage. "She knew where she was shooting." The medic said and it was true. Ellie just wanted to stop Alejandro from coming after her and Valeria. She would never kill him. She couldn't. Even if Valeria made her do it, she would prefer to kill herself than kill him. She does care about him. But she doesn't want to admit it. If she does, it means she betrays Valeria too. She can't lose more people.

So he has to rest for the next few weeks. And he will be able to get back on the field.

Soap was walking around in the rec room. He couldn't stay still. He was trying to understand Ellie's motives. But he couldn't. Ellie, he knew, would never betray her friends or her country. But that was part of the act, right? It has to.

Ghost was also in the rec room, talking to Laswell and Price. He had to inform them about what happened.

"She shot Alejandro and got in the car with Valeria. We don't know where they went."

"She is now a fugitive. We'll put her on the wanted list." Laswell said. Kate had known Elisavet since she was a recruit. She saw potential in that young girl, and she was proud when she learned that that young girl was now a grown woman and had become a lieutenant. But now she was disappointed with her.

"I and Gaz will be there in five days. We have to find her and Valeria. Look through her things. Maybe you'll find something there." Price spoke now. He was angry and disappointed at the same time. He believed that Lily was a girl who had everything that someone would need to be in Task Force 141. And that is why he offered her to become a member three years ago. She fit well, and she got along with everyone there. She was so sweet and funny when they were not on duty, but when it was time for a mission, it was like she would pull a switch and she would become this composed woman, a completely different person. She knew when it was time to be funny and when to be serious. He liked that about her.

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