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I and Simon started following the brown-haired man to where Laswell was located in the CIA base. I looked at Simon, who was now in his cold persona. "Stop throwing daggers at the man, Si." I whispered so only my best friend could hear.

He looked down at me from the corner of his eye. "No." He stated it bluntly.

I rolled my eyes. "Why not? It's not like he would be a match for you." And it was true: Simon was much bigger and stronger than the man in front of us. He could probably eat him for breakfast. The man looked so small next to Simon. Hell, I am bigger than this man. He doesn't look that strong. How the fuck is he a CIA agent, man? Maybe he is an IT expert?

Yeah, no. I don't really care. I'm getting carried away. Back to the story...

"He tried to take you away from me."

"Yeah right..." His answer caught me off guard. Then I saw that he was glaring at me, meaning that he was serious. "When did this man try to take me away from you? After the incident in Las Almas?"

I am aware of Simon's possessiveness over me. And let me tell you, I dont mind it one bit. On the contrary, I like it. It shows that Simon cares about others and that he has a heart, even though hardly anyone experiences this side of the ghost. Only the lucky ones.

I also know that many of you little rascals would enjoy having someone like Simon. Big, scary, muscular, protective, big... Or you like someone like him because you have a mask kink. I will not judge you, though.

He just gave me a small nod as his answer to my questions. "He was with Laswell when they came to pick your sorry ass up." I saw that he smirked even with his mask on; you could see it if you looked close enough. Simon tends to tease you or try to make some awful jokes when he wants to take your mind off of things. And now he is teasing me, so I don't think of what is going on with my little brother and Graves.

"Yeah, my sorry ass was shot in her lower abdomen by her drug lord ex." He hummed and looked down at me once again.

"You alright?" He motioned with his eyes down to my wound. I hadn't even realized that my hand was over it. I moved my hand away.

"I'm fine."


We walked inside a big grey room. Filled with computers, huge screens, and people running around like it's the end of the world, Simon and I shared a look of confusion. I looked around and found Laswell speaking on the phone with someone. I started walking toward her. I walked past the other CIA agents by pushing my way through them. Laswell! I called, and when she saw me, she ended her call.

"Lieutenant Makri." She looked around the room. "Alright." She yelled, and everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at her. "Everyone out." One by one, the agents got out of the room. "Okay... We know where your brother is."

My eyes widened. "What? How? Valeria just told us about this." Laswell was looking at me kind of guilty? Or at least, she knew something and wasn't telling me. "Spill it." My tone sounds way sterner than before.

She crossed her arms in front of her chest and raised an eyebrow. "No need for this kind of tone." I rolled my eyes. "Anyway, we knew that your base was invaded. And still is."

What the fuck?! Why..? When..? What in the actual fuck?! Laswell was about to say something else, but I moved my hand up and motioned for her to stop. "Wait. Are you telling me that you knew that my base was invaded and you didn't even tell me? My brother is there, Kate!"

"I know. And that's why I had to make sure that there was a sign of him being alive."

"How long? How long have you known that my brother was in danger, Kate?" My tone was becoming dangerously angry at this point, and I even took a few steps closer to her.

Bipartite || Elisavet Makri || Book 1Where stories live. Discover now