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I hate long-distance flights with choppers. They are so uncomfortable. My back and ass hurt every time. And now it was no different.

I was dozing off in my seat with headphones on. I dont know how long it's been since we took off, and I dont want to know, or else I'm going to get even more stressed out and probably count down the hours until we are back in Greece.

I dont know what is waiting for us when we get to base. I can only imagine. Most of the people are dead. Burned buildings. Stuff like that. I dont even want to think about my brother. It hurts knowing that it is all my fault.

Someone kicked my leg softly to wake me up. I opened my eyes and saw Simon looking down at me through his skull mask. I took off my headphones.

He gave me an adrenaline shot. I took it in my hands and injected it into my thigh. I put the empty syringe on the empty seat next to me. "Thanks."

"We are landing in ten. Price is asking for the last instructions." I nodded in response and stood up.

I had hours to prepare a plan since I was the only one who knew the place better than anyone else in here. I put my hair up in a ponytail and took up arms. M4 and a Glock 18.

I walked through the small aisle that divides the left seats with the right ones. "Team Alpha enters from the front and frees the prisoners, if any. Team Bravo from the back, looking for Graves and my brother. We need Graves alive." I barked orders at the men alongside me. I was close to the door when I turned and looked at them. "Try to stay alive."

The door opened, signalizing that we had landed. Soap and Alejandro stood up and followed behind me. We are Team Bravo. That means that we have to go around the base to enter from the back entrance. Shadows will probably be everywhere, and we need to be quiet and not make ourselves aware.

Me, Alejandro, and Soap were jogging carefully through the quiet base. It was very quiet for my liking, to be honest. And it seemed like it was abandoned. You could see a few places burned by the invasion.

The government would never inform the public that something like this happened at a military base. Because the people who did it were American war criminals, and as many people know, the USA and Greece are allies. And all this will cause tension between the two countries. And everyone knows that Greece cannot lose the US as an ally and vice versa.

I was leading the men behind me to the back entrance. Looking around for any potential danger.

"It's way too quiet. Soap whispered from behind me.

"Yeah, way too quiet." Alejandro responded.

"You think it's a trap?"

"Could be. What do you think, Lily?"

"It looks abandoned. But I don't believe it is completely abandoned. Someone must be here. I just feel it." My gut was telling me that I have to keep my guard up and that something bad has happened in here.

"If you say so, Lt., I trust your female gut. I learned to trust it over the years."

We finally made it to the back entrance. Soap took out a metal cutter and cut the lock. Carefully, Alejandro went first, then me, and lastly, Soap. "Captain, we are inside." I whisper through my comms.

"Good. So are we. There are a few Shadows here. Stay frosty."

"Affirmative, Cap."

We quietly walked down the hallway. When we reached the end of the hall, we had to choose left or right.

Alejandro looked back at me. "Which way?" He whispered.

"Left, and then the first hall to your right.

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