About Story & Appearance

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As the Summary says. What would happen if Karna was an ansh of Lord Shiva as well as the incarnation of Indrajit/Meghnad, one of the greatest Warriors of Treta Yuga?!


Name:- Karna or Vasusena.

Alias:- Adhiratha, Radheya, Suryaputra, Shivansh, Vaikartana, Vrisha.


As beautiful as the Sun and as tender as the moon itself

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As beautiful as the Sun and as tender as the moon itself. Can attract women with a single glance. His face is beautiful enough to make even Apsaras and Gandharvas of Heaven to seethe in jealousy.

Complexion:- Pale white skin which glows like the divine light of Lord Surya. Couple with snow white Hair which further accents his divine look.

Eye Colour:- Blazing Golden eyes just like his father, Lord Surya.

Height and Build:- Eight Ratni or 9'2 feet tall. Has a lean but muscular build, with broad shoulders and long arms.

Father:- Lord Surya (Spiritual), Adhirath (Adopted).

Mother:- Princess Kunti (Biological), Devi Sangya (Spiritual), Devi Chhaya (Spiritual)  Goddess Ganga (Adopted), Radha (Adopted).

Ansh/Avatar:- Avatar of Lord Surya, Partial Ansh of Lord Shiva.

In Real Mahabharata, Karna didn't have any past life. But in this story he will be incarnation of Indrajit, as such he will have some features of Asuras in him. Like mastery over Maya and other illusionary and reality Warping powers.

Karna will also be a partial ansh of Lord Shiva. So naturally his Yogic-Power will be greater even by the standards of other Demi Gods.


Hello this is my first pure Mahabharata Story about Karna. I hope you like this.

And as I said before, please leave a comment or story ideas, I am open to any suggestions.

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