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It has been eight years since Karna was adopted by Radha and Adhirath. And in this eight years, he have brought joy to everyone around him, especially his mother and father.

Karna was the Apple of everyone's eyes. He was the beloved Vasusena of Hastinapura, who was loved by all for his gentle, kind and playfully mischievous personality.

Radha dotted on her son, showering him with love, while his father taught him to always respect his elders. Devi Ganga who visits once a month too showered her love on 'her son'.

Karna was at first confused who the woman was, but soon he realised who she was. Even though he was little, he was still intelligent enough to know that Devi Ganga was a Goddess. Which led to the painful revelation of adoption.

At first Karna was heartbroken that Radha and Adhirath weren't his real parents, but then his love and devotion for them almost doubled. They accepted him when his own flesh and blood threw him away. He couldn't ask more than that.

Karna also learnt the art of Swimming, Horse riding and Chariot Riding from his Uncle Satyasena, who was his father's younger brother. Adhirath had requested his brother to teach Karna, as he was mostly busy being the head Charioteer.

Right now Karna was in the house of his neighbour Ujjal, who was a young soldier in Hastinapura Army. He was teaching Karna the art of basic Sword fight, after Karna had requested him to teach him.


Ujjal grunted as he deflected Karna's blow. The strength behind Vasusena's strike shook his hand and took a step back.

"Great going Karna! Keep it up" Ujjal encouraged his neighbour's son. Karna grinned showing his pearly white teeth, that can attract anyone like a moth to a bornfire.

"Here I come" Karna shouted, laughing joyfully and jumped into the fight, swinging his sword like it was a part of his arm. The two fighters, fought for few more minutes before Karna disarmed his opponent.

Ujjal sighed. It was embarrassing as a Soldier with decades of experience to lose to someone who is an eight year old child. But he always knew that Karna was different that average eight year olds.

For one, that despite being eight years old, he is already 7 feet tall, almost as tall as Ujjal himself, maybe only half a feet shorter. But Ujjal has no doubt, that Karna will grow taller after he hits his growth spurt.

Second is his mastery over anything he touches. Normally it atleast take three to four years to properly learn how to ride a Chariot. But to the shock of both Satyasena and Adhirath, Karna mastered it within a month. After which he came to Ujjal to learn swordfight.

At first Ujjal was sceptive of an eight year Old learning Swordfighting, but then to his shock, Karna took to the weapon like a fish to water. It seemed like he was born to wield a Sword. And within a few months of training, he was as good as a Ujjal himself, who had atleast decades of experience.

And now, Karna has surpassed him in Sword skill.

"Another broken sword" Karna sheepishly looked at his practice blade, which had multiple cracks and knicks.

"This is the eleventh Sword that you have accidently broken" Ujjal sighed causing Karna to look down embarrassed "You should learn to control your Strength Karna, or you may seriously hurt someone". The eight year old nodded seriously.

"Well I have taught you everything I know, and you have already surpassed me in skill" Ujjal commented "There is nothing more I can teach you".

Karna grew sad, causing Ujjal's eyes to soften.

"But" He began "I will talk to the Army instructors in the Rajmahal. They can give you furthur advance skill of wielding weapons".

Karna's eyes shined as he looked at his guru.

"You will do that" Karna asked hopefully.

"I will try that" Ujjal nodded "Hopefully they will see your talent and take you as a recruit".

Karna whopped, jumping with joy at the possibility of learning inside the Palace. Maybe he can even meet the legendary Mahamahim and learn from him.

"You should go home now. No doubt your mother is worrying about you" Ujjal advised interrupting Karna's happy celebration.

Karna flinched at that, but he hestily nodded. Before going he touched Ujjal's feet, surprising the man.

"You have given me Education" Karna mumbled in gratitude "Ask your Gurudakshina, teacher".

Ujjal's heart was touched by this gesture but he shook his head "I am not a Brahmim, Karna. You don't have to give me Gurudakshina" He said. Karna looked ready to protests, so Ujjal continued "Just promise me that you will treat everyone fairly, no matter how successful you become in your life".

"I promise" Karna bowed his head with folded hands. Saying these words he left his former teacher's house.


And Done!!

Hope you like this chapter. This is a small glimpse of Karna's childhood.

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