Royal Palace

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[The mind is everything what you think, you become. Perform your Duty and leave the rest to God]


After his training with Ujjal, Karna rushed home. And the first thing he got from his mother was a handful of scolding.

"Ow! Ow!" Karna winced as his mother streached his ear lightly.

"How many times have I told you to come back before dinner!" Radha chided her son "Also stop pouting! I am not even stretching your ear that much".

He grinned shamelessly but hugged his mother, causing Radha to release a weary sigh.

"You are going to give me grey hairs before I reach 100" Radha sighed before commanding "Go and wash your hands. Dinner is ready".

Karna's eyes lit up "Is it kheer?!"

Radha nodded with a smile, knowing how much her son loved Kheer. Karna whooped in joy, his snow White hair bouncing, as he rushed inside.

"No running inside the house!" Radha shouted. Hearing no response, she sighed "What am I going to do with him?"


All the family members were sitting together, having dinner. Karna was sitting in the middle, with his mother and father on his left and his uncle Satyasena and his wife Purnima,in the right.

Normally customs say that the head mistress of the family (Radha) should dine after everyone had finished their dinner. But Adhirath doesn't care much about customs.

And besides it's more enjoyable when everyone in the family Dines together.

"I heard from Ujjal that you have completed your training" Satyasena began, earning a frown from his wife, for talking while eating. Seriously?! He has no manners.

"Really!" Adhirath said surprised before it changed into a look of pride "That's great Son"

Karna nodded happily "Yes. Teacher said that I have already surpassed him in Sword skill"

Both Satyasena and Adhirath were wide eyed at that. Completing training is one thing but surpassing one's teacher is entire different. Ujjal is a war veteran, and him saying that Karna, who is only eight years old, has surpassed him in skill of arms, is entirely different.

"Teacher said that he will recommend my name in the training fields in the Royal Palace, for my further education" Karna continued, completely unaware of anyone's reaction.

Radha dropped her glass in shock, her hands trembling. No! Her son can't leave her! Not to mention the dangers of staying close to Royalty can cause.

Hearing the noise they turned towards Radha who was trembling.

"Maa?" The White haired boy asked uncertain at his mother's reaction.

"Noo!" Radha ordered trembling.

"What?" Karna asked confused.

"You won't go near the palace" Radha shouted "I refuse it. The Royals are nothing more than danger! The Palace is a viper's pit of politics."

"But Radha! It's a great opportunity for our son" Adhirath reasoned "Learning in the Royal Palace can greatly help him in training".

"Jyesth is right, Bhabhiji" Satyasena supported his elder brother's reasoning "Just because we are Charioteers, doesn't mean Karna has to become a Charioteer. If he can receive training from the Royal grounds, then in the future he can become a prominent Soldier, in the Kuru Army".

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