Taking The Next Step

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After vanquishing the mighty armed Kandasura in Battle, Karna returned to Guru Drona's Ashram, to give his Guru the news of his success. Along the way he traveled through the villages, and spoke with the elders that the Rakshasa will attack them no more.

The villagers were all very happy at being freed from the cruelty of the wicked one. They threw a celebratory feast in honor of Karna for slaying the Rakshasa.

He returned to the Ashram by Noon. The first thing he did was touching Drona's feet before giving the report of his Gurudakshina.

"Your wish had been fulfilled, Gurudev" Karna spoke "Kandasura is no more"

Drona looked at his student, and couldn't help but be proud of him.

"Excellent Karna" Drona praised "I am proud of your devotion and the skills you have talented"

"It's all because of you" Karna replied humbly. Drona shook his head in amusement before his expression became sad.

"Now that you have completed your education and you Gurudakshina, you are free to go" Karna became sad at his Guru's words, but he hardned his heart. He knows that this would happen one day, when he has to leave the Ashram. He couldn't falter in his steps to become a strong warrior. If he wanted success he always has to move forward.

For time had come to take the next steps of his life.

"I would leave tomorrow morning Gurudev" Karna nodded. Drona looked down thoughtfully before looking at his student.

"Before you go I want to give you a parting Gift" Drona said. Karna was curious at that but he remained silent and watched, as Drona raised his hand and closed his eyes.

The Son of Sage Bharadwaja concentrated his spiritual power and chanted a divine mantra. Then a blazing projectile made if fire materised on his hand. He pointed the projectile at Karna, and it was absorbed within his body.

Karna was surprised when the projectile entered his body, mearging with his Soul and consciousness. His Guru just gave him an Astra.

"What Astra is that Gurudev?" Karna asked once Drona opened his eyes. He could still feel the power of the Weapon coursing through his soul. And he can easily say that this Devine Weapon is more powerful than any other Astra that Guru Drona had given him during his training.

"This was Agneyastra" Drona said proudly. Karna was confused by that.

"But Gurudev, you had already given me the Agni Astra?" He was confused.

"What I had given you before was Agni Astra, a Lower Tier Celestial Weapon" Drona explained "What I have you now is a higher form of Agni Astra. The Agneyastra, created by my Guru, Sage Agnivesha himself. It's more potent in power".

Karna was shocked at that. Guru Drona just gave him a Higher Tier Celestial Weapon! Something that should not be given to just anyone, especially to a no named commoner like him, who can give his allegiance to anyone, even to a rival King or an enemy of Hastinapura.

His heart swelled and his eyes welled with tears at the amount of trust his Guru had on him, to give him a Higher Celestial Weapon.

He fell on his Guru's feet in reverence.

"Thank you for putting your trust in me Gurudev" Karna exclaimed bowing his head "Today I vow, that no innocent shall ever perish in front of my Divine Weapons. This I swear to you Gurudev"

Drona chuckled and ruffled his hair saying "You are honorable Karna. I know that you would never kill an innocent" He said softly before "Now get up and go to inside and take some rest for you journey tomorrow"

Karna nodded with a smile, and went inside. He was hungry, and cannot wait to taste the delicious food made by Mata Kripi, possibly for the last time.


And done!

So Guru Drona Arc is over. Next chapter he will leave the Ashram and travel to a certain mountain for his next course of education under his new teachers. So stay tuned.

And if you really liked this chapter, then don't forget to leave a comment below, because remember reviews are food for a writer's soul.


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