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Thankfully Adhirath, being an excellent swimmer, managed to get to the basket in time, before it could be carried further away by the river.

He took a look inside the basket and his face transformed into a look of pure shock and horror. Inside the basket was a beautiful baby boy, with golden earrings which is glowing in a pale blue colour.

His disbelief slowly turned to anger "How can someone abandon an infant on a river? How dare they do it?! Don't they fear the divine Karma which will pay them back?"

However his thoughts were interrupted by his wife, who called him from the River bank.

"Arya!! Are you alright?" Radha shouted urgently, thinking why her husband is staring at the basket. Hearing his wife's concerned filled voice, the Royal Charioteer of Mahamahim Bhisma, carefully took the basket and swam back towards the river bank.

As he neared, Radha's curiosity grew. What is in the basket which shocked her husband so much? More than the shock, she saw the rage and anger simmering on his face which concerned her somewhat, as her husband rarely got angry.

She slowly walked in front of her husband and peered at the open basket. Her heart stopped when she saw a beautiful baby, adorned with golden Earrings. The Kalash fell from her hands in horror as she stared at the baby.

"He was abandoned by his parents" Adhirath spat, venom cotting his words.

"How can someone be so cruel to an innocent child that they pushed him into a raging river like this what if he drowned?" Radha said, her voice shaking with barely contained fury. Even a Rakshasha mother would not abandon their child.

She slowly took the baby from the basket and cradled him. If his parents can't appreciate a baby as beautiful as him, then she will. Maybe this is the blessing the gods themselves have given them.

"We will take care of him. From today he will be my, no our, son" Radha spoke with tear filled eyes, as she clutched him close to her chest "He will be my Vasusena".

Adhirath was surprised but nevertheless he agreed with his wife's decision.

Then suddenly the Water rose shocking both the newly made parents. A Divine looking woman wearing a beautiful saree appeared before them. Adhirath who knew, who she was, folded his hands and bowed his head.

"Pranam Devi Ganga" He knew who she was, as he had seen her multiple times, when he accompanied his rider Bhisma, who frequently comes to the shores to offer prayers to his mother.

Radha's eyes widened comically and she hastily bowed her head, but with the baby in her arms, she was having some difficulty.

Ganga chuckled melodiously seeing that and said "I am impressed at your decision to adopt Karna, as your own Radha".

"Karna?" Radha muttered confused.

"Yes, Karna. That is his name given to him by his parent". Ganga answered.

"So you know who abandoned him?" Adhirath questioned causing the Godess to nod in sadness.

"Yes, I have the misfortune of watching the sad scene, yet I was unable to do anything" Ganga spoke somberly "I would have taken him in my abode, but Karna's destinity is tied with Mrityu Loka. He is destined to bring great change in Aryavarta".

Both Radha and Adhiratha were shocked by this and Radha hesitantly asked.

"Who are his parents?"

"I cannot tell you that. All I can say is that his birth is Divine" Ganga shook her head "Please take care of him. I fear that my heart is attached to him even in the short time that I have known him"

Adhirath nodded while Radha felt a little jealous. Yet she can understand it as a love of mother, not in blood but in bond. So she offered.

"You can come visit him time to time" Radha offered with a smile. Ganga's face lit up with joy.

"Thank you" Ganga nodded in gratitude. And with a final loving caress over HER son's head, she dissapered with a flash.

The area was silent for a few moments, which was broken by a cute yawn. Looking down they noticed baby Karna waking up from sleep.

"So cute!!" Radha squealed, causing Adhirath to smile at the glow of happiness on his wife's face.

"Oh Suryadev! Oh Mahadeva! Thank you for this Divine blessing" Adhirath thanked the Gods for their blessing and bringing light to their colourless world.

And Done!!

For those who don't know. Vasusena was the name given to Karna by his adopted parents, Radha and Adhiratha. Vasusena means "One Who Is Born With Wealth" in Sanskrit. As Karna is born with natural Golden Earrings and Armour, Radha named him Vasusena.

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