Guru Dronacharya

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The next day Karna left to Guru Dronacharya's Ashram. His travelling gear consists of a Bow and a quiver filled with arrows on his back. He also had a dagger, gifted to him by his father, strapped to his waist. Kripacharya's letter of recommendation was safely wrapped inside his Red Angavastram.

He travelled through the rough countryside, passing through many small villages and sparsely populated hamlets. Along the way he helped some villagers who were having problems with wild Wolves killing their cattles.

Karna helped them by teaching them the basics of archery, so that they can protect their cattle. The villagers were thankful for this and wanted to pay him back, but Karna refused, which impressed the Village elders at his generosity.

After that he traveled through the forest where he met many tribals living there. While unofficially these Tribals were independent from the Throne of Hastinapura, they still pay a small amount of Tithe (Tax in form of Manpower and Raw Materials) to the local rulers for protection from any outside attacks.

Karna spent a month with these tribals, who were very generous and welcoming, and graciously let him stay with them. From them he learnt the art of Leaf Whistle, which helped them in taming wild animals like Wild Horses and Elephants.  

In return for learning this Art, Karna taught the Tribals some Archery tricks and how to make better sturdier Bows, so they can improve their hunting.

After that, Karna once again resumed his journey to Drona's Ashram, and after few weeks he reached its outskirts.

He looked at the Ashram with sharp eyes. It's very small and disorganized compared to his Old training barracks back in Hastinapur Palace. The Ashram was more like a Hamlet compared to the huge barracks that can train and churn out Millions of Soldiers simultaneously, during war times.

But Karna knows that looks can be deceiving. While Hastinapur can train and equip Millions of Soldiers, Guru Dronacharya can train a single student who can fight and singlehandedly vanquish all those million Soldiers within a few hours.

With a deep breathe, he started walking towards the entrance of the camp. There are many people milling about the camp. Some were sharpening Weapons, others were chopping wood for cooking.

"Who are you? I have never seen you here" A high pitched voice said from behind him.

Karna turned back to see a boy, maybe a few years younger than him. He is wearing a sky blue Angavastram, and white dhoti. The boy was tan skinned, and had striking purple eyes which accented his Red Hair. But the most eye-catching feature about the boy was the beautiful Mani, on his forehead.

For some reason, the Manu attracted him. He could feel some sort of connection with it. Like a bond.

"Well?!" The boy demanded, shaking Karna out of his silent stupor.

"I am Vasusena Karna from Hastinapura" Karna bowed in greeting "I have come to meet Guru Dronacharya in hopes of gaining knowledge".

"So you want to meet my father" The boy's eyes lit up.

Karna blinked confused "Father?" He asked dumbly.

"Yes" The boy grinned before bowing "I am Ashwatthama, Son of Guru Drona".

"Oh!" Karna's eyes lit up "Can you take me to your Father"

"Sure" Ashwatthama chirped "Follow me". With that he dashed towards a Hut in the middle of the Ashram, with Karna following him.

Both of them stopped at the entrance and Ashwatthama poked his head inside saying "Mata we have a guest here" He declared.

A beautiful woman with Red hair and garbed in a beautiful Blue saree came outside hearing her son's voice. Her dark brown eyes looked at Karna with curiosity.

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