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Treta Yuga

There were many things that Meghnad, Crown Prince of Lanka, regretted throughout his life. Foremost amongst them is not stopping his father's unjust tyranny. 

Oh how much he loathed his father! Even calling him father tasted like bile. His father was nothing more than a tyrant and a rapist, who could never be satisfied with power or his insesable lust for any women, no matter their age or relationship.

Meghnad had no doubt that if it wasn't for the curse of Brahma and their cousin Nulkubera, his father would have violated Devi Sita, the moment she was brought to Lanka.

Yes, Meghnad knows that Mata Sita was a Devi. The incarnation of Maha-Lakshmi herself. He isn't blind or arrogant like his father not to notice that. Ever his dimwitted Uncle Kumbhakarna saw that.

He implored, no more like he begged his father to make peace with Shri Rama and his brother Lakshmana, who were no doubt the incarnations of Shri Hari Vishnu and Lord Sheshnaga, respectively. But the King of Lanka refused to even entertain his son's words, and used harsh abusive words towards his own son, saying he was nothing but a coward. (Meghnad was sure that if his mother wasn't present there, his father would have struck him).

He had seethed in rage but at the end of the day he was a Prince, and he has a duty towards the common folk of his Kingdom, and towards his younger brothers.

So he watched the destruction of their empire. Watched as his Uncles, then his brothers were killed one by one. He had thought that Lord Brahma's boon and the Yagna will give their side some advantage, but it was all in vain.

And as the saying goes:- Where there is Dharma, there is victory. So there is defeat, at the nest of Adharma.

He had many regrets, and as he watched Shri Lakshmana's Raudrastra blazing towards him, he couldn't help but utter a single prayer to One of the Supreme God, who is known for his impartiality and his love for all beings, be it Rakshasas, Asuras, Danavas or Daityas.

"Another Chance" He muttered the prayer to Lord Shiva before the Celestial Weapon of the same Lord, severed his head.

"Tathastu!" A soft voice, filled with Love and Melancholy, whispered as everything turned dark for him.


Dwapar Yuga


In the abode of the Sun, Lord Surya along with his two wives, Devi Sangya and Devi Chhaya were meditating in front of a sacred Yagna, while repeatedly chanting "Om Namah Shivay"

They were doing this rigorous penance to please Lord Shiva, because they wanted a son as strong and valorous as Shankara himself.

Their penance lasted for hundreds of Years. And the penance caused the entire dimension to tremble because of their aesthetic and Yogic Powers. Every Loka from Patala to Satya trembled and felt the devotion of Lord Surya and his wives.

Suddenly there was a bright flash of light from the fires of Yagna and Lord Shiva, The Mritunjay himself stood in front of them.

Surya Dev and his wives noticed the immense prower but they didn't dare open their eyes. They were too immersed in their penance.

"Open your eyes, my Son and Daughters" Shiva said in his soft voice.

They opened their eyes and immediately knelt at his feet.

"Ask whatever you want, I am pleased with your devotion" Shiva smiled.

Devi Sangya folded his hands "Oh Maheshwara! Oh benevolent Bholenath! I want a Son who will be as beautiful and as radiant as my husband. I want a son whose charm will be irresistable"

"Oh Nilkantha! I want a son who will always be righteous towards all others. Who will be just, kind, impartial towards everyone, even Asuras. He will be the Banyan tree who will provide shade for everyone, irrespective of Caste and creed". Prayed Chhaya

At last Surya who clasped his arms "Oh Mahadev! I want a son who will be the greatest Warrior of this Yuga. Someone who would be strong in all forms of war. In strength he would be like Vajra, in speed he would be like Wind, and in warth let him be like Fire that consumes its enemies"

Shiva was silent for a few seconds before he raised his hand in blessing "So be it" He uttered "You will receive a son who will have Sun like radiance and fire like lustre. He will be gentle and as beautiful as the moon. He will be well versed in all Weapons. He will be the greatest Warrior of this Yuga. He will be the light which will burn away darkness. And as long as this Universe will last, his name and fame will be immortalized throughout history. And he will have a part, an ansh of my own power in him".

Hearing this, Surya and his wives were shocked. They wanted a son as a blessing from Mahadeva. But now their Lord is offering his Ansh, a partial Avatar of himself, as their son. This is an honour that very few (even Gods) in the Universe have ever received.

"But" Shiva continued "Your son won't be born in Surya Loka or from your wives. He will take birth as a mortal in Bhu Loka".

Hearing this, they became distressed.

"But Mahadev" Chhaya pleaded "Mortal lifespan is fleeting. A mere 200 Years is a blink of an eye for us. How will we live with the death of our son?"

"Do not fear daughter" Lord Shiva shoothed their worries "Once your son has fulfilled his destiny in Mrityu Loka, he will be restored with his full body and ascended into godhood as you all".

"His destiny, my Lord?" Sangya asked with worry of a mother.

"Yes daughter, his destiny" Shiva smiled "He will bring change in the entire Aryavarta and help in restoring of Dharma and bring cosmic balance in the Universe".

Surya now understood his Lord. Though he was sad about his son being away from him he understood. Being an expansion of Shri Hari Narayan himself (and a Para-Brahman) he understood that if the Gods wanted to lessen the impact of Kali in The Fourth Age, then his son had to take birth as a human.

So he folded his hands and said with devotion "As you wish my Lord". His wives followed soon, a little hesitantly, but who were they to question the decision of The God of Gods.

"Stay blessed by my children" Shankara spoke with a voice filled with affection and bid them farewell. He knows that his decision had distressed them, which is natural for parents. But he also knew that if they all wanted to lessen Kali's influence in the next age, then Dharma must be established without any bloodshed and destruction of knowledge.


Hello My Dear Readers! Sorry for the short chapter. But as this is the Prologue of this story, I intended to keep it short and to the point.

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