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So how many of you have watched Adipurush?

My deep condolences for those of you who have wasted their time and money to see such a thrash film, which insults our very culture.

And friendly advice to my Readers, who haven't watched this film. Please don't watch the film. It is a Kalank in name of Ramayana. Every single version of Ramayana is better than this thrash, especially Ramand Sagar Ramayan. Even the modern Serial "Siya Ke Ram" and Japanese Version "The Legend of Prince Rama" are better than this thrash.


Ranjeet sighed as he looked at the heart broken face of his student.

"You heard me right, Karna" The man said calmly.

"But why teacher?" Karna looked desperate "Have I done something wrong? Have I offended you? Please punish me! Bit don't kick me out".

"Stop blabbering, Karna! Haven't I taught you to keep calm in any situation?" Ranjeet stated sternly before his voice softened "And no, I am not kicking you out. I am sending you to reach your true potential".

"What do you mean, Teacher?" Karna tilted his head in confusion.

Ranjeet sighed again "The thing is Karna, I cannot help you reach your true potential...

"But that's not true"  Karna protested.

"Let me finish" Ranjeet snapped causing the boy to close his mouth "As you know I am right. I cannot help you reach your true potential. As an instructor for the recruits, I cannot give you enough time to help you practice, which is hampering your growth as a Warrior. If this keeps up, then you won't succeed at anything".

Karna looked down in silence. He knows that as an Instructor, Ranjeet cannot give him much time to train Karna separately.

"Life is about growth. You always have to learn new things to keep moving forward, lest you risk becoming stagnant" Ranjeet advised "With that, I have decided that you should find a new teacher who can help you with your further studies".

"Who?" Karna asked.

"Guru Dronacharya, Son of Rishi Bharadwaja" Ranjeet said "He is master of Vedas, Shastras and Celestial Astras, and he has recently started his own Gurukul near Hastinapur".

"But will he accept me?" Karna asked concerned. Guru Drona is very selective with his students, and he only takes the best of the best.

"If you can impress him with your talent, he will take you as a student in a instant" Ranjeet nodded before giving Karna the scroll he was carrying "Here take this. It may be enough to convince him to take you as his student".

"What is it?" Karna asked looking at the Scroll with confusion.

"A letter of recommendation to Guru Drona, to take you as his student" Ranjeet smirked before saying "Written by Kulguru Kripacharya himself".

Karna's eyes bulged in shock as he looked at the letter in awe "W...wr....written by the Kulguru himself" He stuttered. He didn't know that he had attracted the attention of the Kulguru of one of the strongest Empire's in Aryaavarta.

"Yes" Ranjeet nodded "Now go home and spend the day with your family. You can leave tomorrow".

"You haven't asked your Gurudakshina, Teacher" Karna asked.

"Gurudakshina is given to Gurus who have completed the education of their students" Ranjeet shook his head ruefully "It is something I have failed to do".

"But that doesn't mean I should give you Gurudakshina" Karna protested stubbornly "You have taught me the basics of Archery and other weapons. So please ask Teacher".

Ranjeet was silent for a few seconds before saying "Very well, if you are insisting so much them promise me to never stop learning" He said "The one who doesn't learn new things become stagnant and arrogant. So promise me Karna, never let your arrogance rule you. Never stop learning new things".

"With the love that I have for my family, I give my word to never stop learning" Karna took the oath solemnly.

Ranjeet nodded "Very Well!" He said feeling a little melancholy "You can go now".

The Karna did something which shocked the always stoic Ranjeet.

The brat hugged him.


"Oof" Ranjeet grunted, doing everything in his power not to show the pain of discomfort on his face.

The brat may have been 10 Years Old. But his strength is of a literal monster.

"I will miss you Teacher" Karna said sobbing, wetting Ranjeet's Angavastram. The man patted the White haired brat awkwardly, not knowing what to do at this unfamiliar situation.

"I will miss you but enough hugging for now. Let go of me. You are wetting my clothes" Ranjeet yelped, but he was ignored by Karna who only tightened his embrace.

"Hey Mahadev! Save me from this brat!" Ranjeet pleaded. But unfortunately for him, Mahadev won't save him from the showering gesture of love from a student to his teacher.


And Done!!

Hope you liked this short fluffy chapter and the interactions between Ranjeet and Karna.

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