Boon or a Curse

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Dwapar Yuga


Princess Kunti, born Pritha to Yadava Chieftain Sursen, was the adopted daughter of King Kuntibhoja, who was her Uncle.

The beautiful girl of 16 was known throughout the Kingdom for her kindness, intelligence and patience. This was the reason that when the fearsome Sage Durvasa came to the King's court, Pritha was the one chosen to be the caretaker of the Sage, for the remainder of his visit.

At first King Kuntibhoja was against this, as he knew what Sage Durvasa was infamous for. Being the physical manifestation of Shiva's anger itself, Durvasa was known for his volitile temper and his habit of giving unjustified curses to anyone who displeased him in any form.

So fearing for his adopted daughter, whom he loves as his own, he refused. But the King's Prime Minister, as well the members of King's Court, explained that with Kunti being only 16 years old and with her naturally sweet nature, Sage Durvasa might take mercy on her and not give any curse, if she accidentally makes any mistakes. But same cannot be said for the adults.

So reluctantly the King gave the permission, and Kunti was made the volatile Sage's caretaker. As. Sage Durvasa hated a lavish lifestyle, Kunti had to live with him in a cottage, just near the River Ganga, where he can easily do his daily rituals.

Despite this, Kunti, true to her nature, remained patient and fearless, and she served the Sage with utter devotion for an entire year, never complaining no matter how demanding or rude Durvasa was of his requests.

Sage Durvasa was thoroughly pleased with her and before leaving the Kingdom he gave Kunti a boon, in form of a Mantra. A Mantra, which when recited, can summon any God of her choosing, and begit a child from them.

But just like everything good, this Mantra has two limitations.

One:- This Mantra can only be used Five Times.

Two:- The Tridev, Tridevis and their Children can't be summoned by this Mantra.

Kunti however didn't care about that, as she was giddy with Joy. She would be mother of Demi-Gods. Mother of godly children. Such was her happiness, that she forgot the parting words of Sage Durvasa, who had warned her not to use it before marriage otherwise the boon would become a Curse.


Sitting on the banks of Ganga, Kunti looked at the running Holy Water, her mind clouded by thoughts.

When she had first received Sage Durvasa's boon, she was filled with Joy, but as time passed and her exitement began to die down, she began to dount the authenticity of the boon.

It wasn't like she distrusts Sage Durvasa's boon, but she was dountful if the Mantra would work or not. Summoning Gods and getting Children from them is a tall order, and if such a Hymm existed, why nobody in the past tried to gain it?

Suddenly an idea took root in her teenage mind.

"What if I try the boon now" She thought curiously. If she successfully summoned a God, she can check if the Hymm is Valid Or not "But which God should I summon?".

According to Sage Durvasa, She couldnt summon The Tridev and their female Companions, nor can she summon any of their children.

"Although...." She thought, as her eyes suddenly landed on the reflection of The Sun. Yes!! if She can't summon any Tridev Or Tridevis Or their Children, she can summon most Powerful after them.

Lord Suryadev. The Glorious Sun God, King of Navagrahas, Lord of All the Stars in the Universe and an expansion of Shri Hari Vishnu himself, and who represents the Light of Para-Brahmana.

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