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"Your Gurudakshina will be a test of your skills" Drona said.

Karna bowed his head asking "And what will be my test Gurudev?" 

Drona was silent for a few moments, before he turned his head towards the direction of the forest "In the darkest depths of this forest lives a Rakshasa. For the past few years, he has been terrorising the villagers, by burning their fields and taking their livestock" He turned back to look Karna in the eye "I want you to use your newfound skills and despatch the evil souled one, to the abode of Yama. This will be my preceptor's fee"

Karna bowed once again "Your wish is my command, Gurudev" He declared "By tomorrow my sharp arrows will sever this Rakshasha's head". However Karna was a little confused. If this Rakshasa is terrorizing the village folks, then why didn't Guru Drona himself end this menace?

Karna held no illusion that as good a warrior he is, he is still nothing more than an ant compared to the tremendously powerful son of Sage Bharadwaja, who can kill him with a blade of grass, if he wishes.

So it's a little confusing that Drona didn't kill the Rakshasa himself. Instead sending his inexperienced student, who hasn't even faught a battle yet.

Still it doesn't matter. His teacher has given him a task, and he will finish it. No matter the cost.

Unknown to him, the reason Drona was sending Karna was because of the boon, the Rakshasa had. The Rakshasa's name is Kandasura, who had pleased Bhu Devi with his penance and gotten the boon that only someone, who is younger than 20 Years Old can defeat him in battle.

Now Drona can easily kill Kandasura, but as a mortal he has to respect the boon from a Goddess. And as he is already more than 300 Years Old, he cannot kill the Rakshasa. That is why he is sending Karna, who is only 17 Years Old, and outside the criteria of the boon.

"Don't be overconfident with your skills, my boy" Drona chided gently "Kandasura is not a foe to be taken lightly. He is an expert of Maya and the dark forest is his domain. So always be alert and careful".

"I will Gurudev" With those last words, Karna gathered his supplies and weapons, for the trek, and left to accomplish his sacred mission and make his Gurudev proud of his skill.


It was twilight by the time, Karna reached the outskirts of the forests. The thick foliage obscured the moonlight, but because of Drona's training, he has no problem with seeing it in the dark.

Because of the thick bushes, he couldn't ride his Horse inside the forest, so he had no choice but to leave it outside. His Horse was a bundle of nerves, fidgeting in the slightest sound, and Karna patted him on his head reassuringly.

After tying his horse with a tree stump, Karna cautiously moved through forest, while using his sword to cut through the thick branches and foliage.

He was tensed. Normally in a forest, you would hear the chirping of animals or even buzzing of crickets and other insects. But the forest was completely silent, save for his breathing. His father always says that when a predator in nearby the forest becomes silent.

Suddenly his eyes fell on a puddle of water, at the base of banyan tree. His brow furrowed in confusion.

"A puddle?" He thought confused "It hasn't rained this past month. Then how is there a puddle in the middle of nowhere?" Even the ground isn't muddy, to signify that any rainfall had happened.

He slowly sheathed his Sword, and took his Bow from his back. Taking a arrow from his quiver, he aimed at the puddle. He took and deep breathe and released the arrow, which struck the water with a loud splash.

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