Conversation And First Boon

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After his meeting with Ranjeet, Karna met his parents and told them the news about his further education, which unfortunately saddned his parents.

Radha was sad that her son would be away from Hastinapur for who knows how long. Adhirath and his Uncle Satyasena however congratulated him for that, though his father was a little sad.

The next day, he did his Surya Pooja as usual and to his surprise, Goddess Ganga appeared in front of him.

"Mata Ganga" Once his surprise wore off, Karna was quick to touch her feet in respect.

"Kalyan ho Putra (Stay blessed my Son)" Ganga said caressing his head affectionately. Karna closed his eyes, surrendering to the feeling of love from someone he considers as his mother.

"Mata I...." He began.

"You are leaving Hastinapura to find a teacher" Ganga interrupted with a knowing look in her beautiful blue eyes.

"How did you know that Mata?" He looked surprised before jokingly asked "We're you spying on me? It's bad manners".

Ganga glared pouting "No I am not spying on you" She huffed before looking at him tenderly "You are forgetting that I too am a Goddess and your Mother too. I was the one who fed you first and from the moment I held you in my arms, I knew this day will come one day, when your ambition of seeking greater knowledge will surely force you to travel this world."

Karna swallowed the lump in his throat, his eyes burned at the emotional words of the Goddess, and for all the motherly love she had for him.

He looked at her hopefully "Will you now tell me who my real parents are?"

"I am sorry. But that is something, you have to find about yourself, my son" Ganga shook her head sadly noticing the crestfallen expression on her son's face. She hated herself for not telling him the truth. But unfortunately, it is his Niyati and Karma from his previous life.

"Don't worry! Soon enough You will find out about them" Ganga thought "Suryadev and his wives are waiting for the day".

"You should go now, My Son" Ganga advised "An entire World is waiting for you".

Karna nodded sadly, not liking that he didn't get his desired answer. Ganga too felt bad, seeing her son's sad face. Then an idea popped in her head.

She bent down and cupped her hand to pick up some water. Closing her eyes she used her divine powers and the water, that she was holding, began glowing in a golden hue.

With a smile, she flicked the water in Karna's face, who was flabbergasted as he sprayed with water.

"Are you playing holi?" Karna asked, confused at his mother's action of spraying water on him.

"No!" Ganga chuckled "I just gave you a parting gift".

"A parting gift?" He asked confused. How is spraying water and drenching his clothes a parting gift?

"Yes!!" Ganga nodded enthusiastically "I just gave you the boon of breathing underwater. Now you can breathe underwater and no amphibious creature shall, without doubt, ever defeat you in battle".

Karna's eyes widened and his jaw dropped in shock. Boons are something that can only be received after doing rigorous Penance to a specific God/Goddess or any Celestial Race Or Divine Sages. It is not something that can be granted to anyone.

And now his Mother just granted a boon of breathing and fighting Underwater, like it is a basket full of Mangos on sale.

He was about to open his mouth to say something but a stern glare from her, forced him to close his mouth. Her glare says "Yes I just gave you a boon without you doing any penance.
Deal with it! Because it's my choice!".

Karna gulped but folded his hands in respect "Thank you for this boon! Oh Divine Lady" He bowed his head in great reverence "I gave thee oath, that I shall always use it for righteous cause".

Ganga waved her hands "Yes! Yes! Whatever. Now give your mother a Hug". Saying that she quickly engulfed her son in a hug, before he can escape her clutches.

"I know that you will always follow the right path, my son" She thought.


And Done!

Hope you like Karna's conversation with Goddess Ganga and her boon, that she just gave freely to her adopted son. Lol!

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