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It has been nine months since the incident. The Weather is a beautiful sunny day, with birds chirping, cows grazing the fields, peacocks dancing. And amidst this all, the beautiful cry of a newborn can be heard from the cottage.

Kunti held her beautiful newborn son with tears in her eyes. Because of Suryadev's boon, the birth was easier for her teenage body to handle, otherwise she was sure, she would been knocked unconscious by the pain and exhaustion of the labour.

As promises by Suryadev, the boy was born with Divine Kundals and Kavach, which seemed like a second skin of the baby. The beautiful Kundals glowed in soft blue light, further highlighting the beauty of the baby.

As Kunti cradled the newborn, a Celestial Voice from the heavens declared.

"The greatest Warrior of this Age has finally taken birth. He will Be Valorous, Courageous, Righteous, Just, Impartial, Brave, Virtuous , Fierce, Loyal and Gloriously Visionary. He will be calm hearted, pleasing, gentle and handsome like the moon. He will be as beautiful as the Sun and will bring light to this dark World."

This declaration was further accented by the Gandharvas and Apsaras blowing their trumpets and conches and showering Divine flowers from above. The Sun shone with pride while the holy waters of Ganga sparkled with joy.

Hearing the Celestial voice, Kunti snapped out of her thoughts. Her eyes watered, as she finally realised what she had to do. If she kept Karna with her, then not only her but her father's reputation will be ruined.

Not to mention that Karna himself will suffer the sting of being an illegitimate child. He will be scorned by the highborns and other nobles.

"I am sorry baby! B...but I can't keep you" Kunti sobbed. Hearing her voice, Karna opened his beautiful lotus shaped Golden eyes. Seeing his innocent eyes further broke Kunti, as she clutched her baby tightly.

"What kind of mother am I, to abandon a newborn child?" She thought tears leaking from her eyes "Even Asuras and Daityas protect their children!"

But she knows she had no choice. So hardening her heart, she exited the cottage, with Karna secured in her arms. The innocent baby squeled, thinking that his mother is taking him on a joyride.

Kunti slowly took him at the banks of Ganga, where a beautiful basket was kept. The basket was carved with Sandalwood, and was decorated by beautiful feathers. There was a small cotton blanket acting as a cushion on the basket, a small comfort for the soon to be abandoned baby.

The young mother put her baby in the basket, with tears flowing from her eyes, mumbling forgiveness all the while.

Karna seeing what is happening began to realise what is happening. His smile evaporated as he began to cry out. He clutched a bangle on her right arm tightly refusing to let go. However with Karna being a Demi-God, his strength was immense, even as a baby. So he accidentally broke the golden jewelry in his grasp.

Kunti's heart broke seeing this, so sobbing she quickly took all her jewellery that she was wearing and placed them on the basket, as a parting gift.

Her baby looked at her with pleading eyes filled with tears, silently begging not to abandon him.

"Oh my first born please forgive your incompetent mother" She sobbed as she let go of the basket, letting the raging current of Ganga carry the basket.

The basket slowly drifted down the River stream carrying the newborn, while his cries echoed across the river, before the basket dissapered.

Kunti fell on her knees sobbing and cursing herself.



Suryadev was enraged by this, and the first thing he wanted to do is to burn the entire Kingdom to the ground. But he knows he cannot do that. As a Deva he must follow the rules of Universe.

Tears fell from his eyes, which immediately vaporized, infront of the sheer heat of his Divine Aura. Why does his son had to suffer abandonment? He knows that if Mahadev hadn't said about Karna's destiny being tied to Mrityu Loka, he would have immediately taken and raised him in Surya Loka with his two Spiritual mothers and all his older siblings.

Who cares about his younger brother Indra's words of mortals being not allowed to live in Higher Lokas? Indra is maybe the King of Gandharva and Swarga, but he is not the King of Surya Loka.

With that in mind, Surya took a silent vow. The moment his son calls him for help, he will appear in front of him.

And Done!

Karna being abandoned is his Karma of his past life as Indrajit.

Hope you liked this small chapter. And please leave a review on it. It really helps in motivation to write new chapters.

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