Love Of A Goddess

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It has been a few hours since Kunti had flown her newborn son on the raging Water. It was a sad scene as Karna's heart wrenching cries echoed across the valley. The newborn son hadn't been fed before being abandoned.

If he wasn't a Demigod, he would have died already, as a newborn human child can't survive after experiencing such trauma.

Suddenly the raging waters of the River calmed down. Then a section of water rose and took a humanoid shape of a beautiful woman wearing a blue-white saree. She was radiating a Divine Aura which excludes tenderness, wisdom and motherly love.

Devi Ganga looked at the child with sad eyes. She had seen everything. From Kunti invoking Suryadev, to Karna birth and abandonment. The reason she was here was because of Suryadev's helpless request of saving his child. Seeing the mighty King of Navagraha, begging in front of her was a humbling experience.

Karna looked at her with tearfilled eyes, sniffimg adorable. Ganga's Divine Aura had calmed him, but he was still hungry. So raising his chubby arms at her direction, he began crying again.

"Oh baby! Why are you crying" Ganga cooed at the cute little munchkin "Oh are you hungry? Don't worry! I will feed you".

Saying this she took Karna in her arms. She wiped his eyes off tears, and placed a gentle kiss on his forehead, causing the newborn to let out a sigh of containment. The newborn snuggled in her arms, feeling containment.

Ganga's eyes softned as she caressed him, her motherly instinct which was burried after Devavrata's birth, began surfacing once again.

"Don't worry my son. I will feed you" She didn't realise that she had said 'my son'. But at the moment she really didn't care. She wanted to take care of him, as her own.

So she held Karna close to her bosom and began feeding him, her own milk.

What she didn't realise was that by feeding Karna her own milk, she had unintentionally given him a boon of purifying his entire body off any imperfection.

Unlike humans, Demi Gods are closest to Gods in physical perfection. That is why Demi Gods have irresistible charm and beauty, that naturally draws people towards them like Bears to honey. That is why they retain their beauty even during old age.  

But with Karna drinking the milk of Ganga herself, whose mere presence can purify and beautify anything, his beauty and charm is increased tenfold, along with his divinity.

Even Ganga was surprised by this. The glow around Karna seemed to increase and it caused her to squeal internally at the cuteness of the baby.

Karna however ignored this all and continued to happily drink the Divine Nectar. After he finished, he burped cutely, and fell asleep like a drunk.

"That's it. I am taking you home with me" Ganga declared to no one "From today you are Gangaputra".

However before she can execute her statement, a Divine voice said in her ear.

"I am afraid that you can't take him." A Divine voice said playfully. And Ganga knew who this voice belonged to.

"Mahadev" Ganga whispered before asking "But why can't I take him. I fed him my own milk when his own mother abandoned him. So why can't I take him as my son".

"Karna's destiny in tied to Mrityu Loka, Devi Ganga. He is to help in establishing Dharma in Aryaavarta and restoring Cosmic Balance in the Universe. He is to be raised by a human family and live as a Human" Mahadev explained before saying playfully "But that doesn't mean you can't pay him visits from time to time".

"Fine" Ganga pouted childishly "But I want to be his mother too".

"Don't worry Devi. Young Karna won't have any shortage of Mothers" Mahadev laughed calmy before his voice faded.

"Ahhh" Ganga sighed pouting. Why can't she raise him like her own. But alas she can't go against the decision of her Lord. She looked at the sleeping baby and smiled sadly "Well let's find you a foster family".



After two days of travel, Karna's basket (supported by Ganga) reached Hastinapura, the Capital of the Mighty Kuru Empire. Ganga choose this city, because her Son, Devavrata, the Great Mahamahim Bhisma, is it's protector. Maybe she can ask her son to protect Karna?

Suddenly she noticed a couple standing near the river bank praying. She knew them of course. Adhirata, the Charioteer of her son Bhisma, and his wife Radha.

She knew them because every Morning they come towards the banks to pray to Surya and Mahadev, for a child, who can bring joy in their life.

Maybe they can take care of Karna. With Adhirath being close to Bhisma, maybe Karna can become close to him too?

So with that in mind she slowly pushed the basket towards them.


Near the shore of Ganga, the Royal Charioteer Adhirath and his wife Radha prayed to Suryanarayan and Mahadev, hoping for a child. They have almost lost any hope of being a parent, after their third child died as a stillborn.

"Oh Lord Suryanarayan! Please see our devotion and bless us with a child" Adhirath prayed and poured water from his kalash.

"Oh Mahadev! Hear the prayer of this childess mother. Please bless us with a child whom I can shower with my love" Radha cried with tears in her eyes. The image of her stillborn son flashing in her mind.

She wants a child whom she can spoil and shower oceans of love. But alas her fate has different ideas. All her pregnancies ended up with the babies being stillborn. Maybe the gods don't think she makes a good mother, so they don't give her one.

Her neighborhood always whispers how she is cursed and advises Adhirath to take a new wife. Even she had advised him to take a new wife, as she is a failure who can't provide him a son. But her stubborn and loving husband refused to remarry.

She was really fortunate to have a husband like Adhirath.

"All right, Radha, let's go." Her husband said gently. Radha nodded, but then her eyes fell on a basket floating in the water.

"Arya (Husband), Wait!! Something is floating on the river." She pointed out. Her husband looked confused but before he can say anything a cry of a newborn came from the basket, causing their eyes to widen in shock.

There is a baby in there.

"Arya!!" She yelped. Adhirath didn't need any more encouragement as he jumped in the water, and swam towards the basket.


And done!! Hope you like it.

So Ganga had unintentionally given our protagonist a boon of irrestable beauty. Karna was already beautiful in Original Mahabharata. Now his beauty is going to increase tenfold.

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