First Steps

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Hoping for at least 20-30 Comments before the next Chapter.  
It had been two years since Karna had joined the recruits under the watchful eyes of Atirathi Ranjeet, and his talent of welding Weapons had increased tenfold.

Karna learned everything from Wrestling, Hand to Hand Combat, Swordsmanship, Spear wielding and most important and his favorite, Archery.

While he was proving himself a wielder of all weapons, his favorite Weapon was the Bow and Arrows, which on the battlefield, is the foremost weapon of any famed Warrior above the Arda-Rathi Class.

Right now Karna was fighting against 50 recruits in a mock Archery battle. The new Soldiers were undoubtedly talented but not as great as the 10 Year Old Karna, who can shoot five arrows by the time it takes the recruits to take a single arrow from their quiver and aim it towards their challenger.   

The result was Karna defeating all of them effortlessly, by breaking their Bows or slicing the string of their Bows. 

"Well Done Karna" Ranjeet encouraged before commanding "All of you, now switch to Sword".

At once all the recruits threw their now broken Bows and grabbed their Swords. Karna too unsheathed his Broadsword from the scabbard and waited for the signal to attack.

"Begin!!" Ranjeet shouted and Karna immediately jumped into action, blazing towards the mass of men, who charged at him.

The son of Radha scythed his way through his attackers like a sickle through a field of Rice. He doudged, blocked and parried all the attacks and returned their blows. The raw power behind his blows knocked the recruits into the dirt and deprived of their senses.

It was fortunate that the practice Swords are blunt, otherwise the ground would have been spilt with blood and guts.

"The boy is a great warrior in making" An aged voice spoke causing Ranjeet to turn towards it. A Man in white Angavastram and Dothi,  with a Rudraksha Mala, signying his practice of the Spiritual World, was standing, observing the ongoing fight with calm eyes. 

It was Sage Kripacharya, the Kulguru of the Kurus.

"Pranam Kulguru!" Ranjeet bowed in respect.

"Ayushman Bhava!" Kripacharya blessed him before turning towards the Rangbhoomi "The way your student is improving day by day, I suspect him to surpass you before he reaches twenty".

"A Shishya surpassing his Guru is the greatest gift a Guru can ask" Ranjeet said emotionlessly but the twinkle in his eyes showed how proud he felt.

By now Karna had defeated all his foes, as he stood over them with a smile and not a bit winded.

"Hmm, but have you thought who will give him his furthur education?" Kripa asked.

Ranjeet pursed his lips in thought. As good as he is as a Warrior, he knows that teaching is something which is not his forte. Oh! He can whip up the New recruits and turn them into good Soldiers, maybe even an Arda-Rathi class Warrior, if the Soldier had the dedication.

But after reaching a certain point, like a Rathi Class, teaching someone higher warfare becomes hard. Not to mention with Ranjeet being the Instructor for thousands of recruits, he cannot give Karna the time he needed to hone his skills further.  

"Will you teach him?" Ranjeet asked, hating how hopeful he sounded.

Kripa shook his head "I am already busy with my duties as a Kulguru" The Sage said apologetically "And I fear my duties will only increase in the coming days".

Ranjeet understood what Kripa was saying. The news of Queen Gandhari's pregnancy, birth of Prince Yudhishthira and another Pandava (who rumors say is the Son of Wind God, Vayu) on its way, it's just a matter of time before Kripa had his hands full.

"But I know someone who may take him as his student" Kripa said, causing Ranjeet's eyes to widen.

"Who?" He asked eagerly.

"My brother in law, Drona" Kripa said "He is trying to establish his own Gurukul. It's only a matter of time before he starts taking Students".

Dronacharya son of Rishi Bharadwaja. One of the strongest Sages of Aryavarta, who was learned Vedas under the guidance of his father. Ranjeet knew Guru Drona had learned under Rishi Agnivesha, Rishi Agastya and Bhagwan Parshuram, who gave Drona many of his Divine Celestial Weapons.

If Karna can prove himself, maybe Drona will teach him the Art of Celestial Weapons.

"Then tomorrow I will talk to him about this matter" Ranjeet said looking at his student who was grinning at him with his stupid (but adorable) smile.

"And I will make a letter of recommendation for Karna" Kripa promised.

"It will be a great help" Ranjeet nodded thankfully.


Next Day

As always, Karna did his daily Suryapuja with his father, Adirath before having a delicious breakfast with his family. After which he reached the training grounds and like always, being the first to arrive.

He didn't wait for his teacher, instead he started doing warm up exercises like Yoga, then running circles across the field to increase his stamina, after which he started doing pushups.

"Karna" A voice called. Turning he saw his teacher arrive with a Scroll in his hand, and a serious look in his face.

"Yes Teacher?"

Ranjeet looked at his student happy smile, suddenly feeling emotional, but he knows his duty. So hardening his heart he said "After today you will no longer be coming here for learning".

Karna face changed from happiness to pure shock. His face paled and knees buckled.

Was his teacher kicking him out?

"Bu...but why?" He asked his voice hitching and tears pooling in his eyes.


Arda-Rathi Class Warrior:- A Warrior who can fight 2500 Normal Soldiers simultaneously without the use of Celestial Weapons. This is the lowest rank of famed Warrior, and it is generically considered an insult if a great Warrior is mocked as an Arda-Rathi.

Rathi Class Warrior:- A Warrior who can fight against two Arda-Rathis Or 5000 Normal Soldiers simultaneously without the use of Celestial Weapons. The most common class of Warrior.

Kulguru Kripacharya:- The Famed Kurguru of Kuru Empire. One of the 7 Chiranjeevies. He is Ansh of The Rudras.

And Done!!

Hope you liked this chapter. In the next chapter we will see the outcome of this meeting, as well as Karna's new step towards the outside World.

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