Chapter 14

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When we got up to the front desk, they had me fill out some paperwork, then, after we turned it in, a older nurse called my name.

"Ainsley Ellis? Come on this way, honey." she said, placing a hand on umy shoulder. She gave me a smile, as though to wish me luck.

"Thanks." I said. Mike grabbed the backpack, and took my hand in his. He squeezed it, looking down at me. He gave me a smile, and we walked with the woman down to a room. There were a couple other people there, they gave me sad smiles as I walked in. The walls were red, not the typical washed white, which was nice. She led me to a hospital bed, and I sat down. She got all these needles and IV cables ready. She also gave me a pill that's supposed to help my stomach. As she stuck the needles in, she gave Mike a look to distract me. He reached into the bag, and we started to pick out new jib sheets from the US sailing magazine. He handed me a clipboard and we renewed our registration. After like 15 minutes, I looked over, but the nurse wasn't there.

"She said she'd be back in 2 hours when it's over ok?" he said.

"Ok. But why do I feel ok? I'm just a bit tired." I said.

"I know Ainse. It takes a little bit." he said, knowing what I was asking. "You'll be ok. Now wanna watch happy days?? I brought the early seasons!" he asked.

"aaayyyee!!!!!!" I said, making the signature of the fonz. He set up a little minister to watch it. Then, we pressed play. After the first episode, I felt my stomach flip. Shit. Mike was staring at me, he saw the fear in my eyes, and grabbed the bucket, holding it with one hand while he held my hair with the other. I threw up for what seemed like forever, and when I was done, mike put the bucket on the ground, grabbed another, put it next to me, and moved around to sit behind me. He put his legs around me, and rubbed my back, whispering sweet things to me. I felt like complete and utter shit. I lay my head on his shoulder, and fell asleep.


I woke up about 20 minutes later and threw up again. Mike jumped into action, grabbed the bucket, and rubbed my back. While I was sleeping, he braided my hair apparently. I felt awful. I had tears steaming down my face and I was just sobbing. My stomach hurt so bad, and I was so tired and scared. Mike stayed calm the whole time, always doing and saying the right thing. I felt something drip down my face, but it wasn't a tear. My nose was bleeding a lot. Mike looked around for tissues but couldn't find any. A woman sitting next to what appeared to be her husband handed Mike a box of tissues. He ran them over to me. Once we got the bleeding stopped, I tried to get out of bed to change shirts. I realized I didn't have another shirt, all that was under my sweatshirt was a sports bra. Mike took his sweatshirt off and gave it to me. He came over, and gave me his hand to help me up to the bathroom to change. I swung my legs off the side of the bed and tried to stand, but my legs were too weak. I almost fell, but mike caught me. He picked me up, and carried me to the bathroom to change. He helped me get my shirt off, and get his shirt on.

"Nice muscles." he said, trying to lighten the mood. He's seen me in a lot less than just a sports bra and leggings, so the situation wasn't awkward at all.

"Thanks" I whispered, laughing a little. Once changed, he carried me back to my bed. He kissed me on the forehead, put the blankets on me, then climbed behind me, and rubbed my back as I fell asleep.


I repeated this cycle of throwing up, then falling asleep, for a whole day. When the two hours was up, the nurse came back in, and refilled the IV. When mike said she would be back in 2 hours, I thought that meant I was done. Apparently not. 2 hours to go. Tired, sick, and frustrated, I fell asleep.


Apparently I slept for quite a while, because the next time I threw up, I was crying.

"Shhhhh, honey, the nurse is coming, so you're all done. You did it! I'm so proud of you." he said as he rubbed my back.

"Really? Can you take me home?" I whispered.

"Absolutely, Ainse. We will pack up, pick up the perscription, and then we will go home and relax ok? You did so well!" he said.

The nurse came in and started in unhooking the chemotherapy bag from my IV. "Hey Ainsley, you did great honey! One of the bravest girls, for real. You two are probably the cutest couple I've ever seen. I see a lot of boyfriends or husbands come, but none have ever done as well as you, especially not their first time. Ainsley, hold on to him, he's a special one. An you, young man, don't let this one go, she's one of a kind. But seriously, y'all are so cute!" she said giggling.

"Oh ummm..." Mike and I said at the same time.

"She is one of a kind, and I will never let her go." mike said. She smiled, unhooked my needles, and said "You're all set honey, you take it easy for a little bit ok? Just because the chemo is done doesn't mean you won't feel sick. It'll last a couple days, but it'll get better. You know about the hair loss, yes?"

"Yes I am." I said.

"Ok, it can happen this time, or next time, or for the lucky few, never. You really never know. But don't get scared, ok? Heres a packet on care, it'll show you where to get wigs if you want, they have bandanna/scarf fashions if you prefer, and other tips for comfort." she said as she handed me a packet.

"Ready?" Mike asked.

"Of course." I said. Mike put the backpack on his back, and picked me up effortlessly.

"Do you want a wheelchair?" she asked, kind of chuckling.

"No thanks, ma'am, she's light as a feather." Mike said.

"Well alright then! You too relax, and I'll see you next monday." she said. We waved goodbye to everyone in the room, and the nurse, and headed to the car.

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