Chapter 6

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Sorry I haven't uploaded in a while, I've been going through some health stuff of my own. I really hope you like it, comment, vote, blah blah blah. But seriously. Even if you have nothing to say, just comment so I know that there's at least someone who likes my writing. Haha love ya'll!


"Hello Ainsley." someone said. I looked up to see dr. Henderson standing in the doorway. He told us to follow him into his office. We did. I held on to mikes arm tight because I was feeling a little dizzy. "Right this way." he said. "Here, take a seat." we did.

"Now Ainsley, I'd like to go over your results." he let out a deep breath. "After reviewing your test results multiple times, I am sorry to tell you that you have leukemia." He said. "I will let you two have a minute, talk it over, and then when you're ready, I'll be waiting outside, and we'll figure this out together." he put his hand on my shoulder, gave me a sympathetic look that usually would make me want to kick his ass, but right now was actually quite helpful, and closed the door behind us. I just sat there, blank. I felt two arms fold around me, and I melted into them.


Mike and I just sat like that for what seemed like an eternity, his soothing words whispering in my ears, consoling me. I didn't even cry. I was overwhelmed, exhausted, scared, and confused. What am I going to do? That's when it sunk in. And I cried. And cried. And cried.

"Shhhhh Ainsley, im right here. It's going to be ok. We'll get through this together, I promise. I'm not going anywhere."

"I'm so sorry!" I sobbed. I never cry. I'm strong, brave, I'm a bad ass! Why am I crying?

"Honeybee, why on earth are you sorry?" he asked softly.

"For crying, and for not being strong." I said.

"Ainse, you're the strongest person I know! And you are really overwhelmed, there's nothing wrong with letting it out. Lord knows I've done the same thing more than a couple times." he whispered, while stroking my hair.

My hair.

I'm probably going to lose my hair...

Thats when it all started to sink in. "Oh my gosh Michael!" I gasped.


"We have sponsors, we're in training...what if I can't sail!?!!??!!?!" I asked, burying my head in his chest.

"Ainsley, don't worry about that. You'll be able to sail, we'll take a break from competitions until you get better. We can still sail though, for fun. Like we always do. I promise." he said.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, Ainse."


After a little while, the doctor came back in. He told us all about what ALL (acute lymphoblastic leukemia) is, what my treatment plan would be. ALL is more dangerous the older you get, and harder to treat. I would have to have heavy doses of chemotherapy for 2 months, and then, after the 2 months are up, they will reevaluate the situation. Make sure it hasn't spread, and that the chemo was working. He talked about some support groups, blah blah blah. All of that was way over my head. At that point, I was so tired, and so shocked that I didn't even want to listen any more. The appointment seemed to last forever, but finally Mike stopped rubbing my back (which I hadn't noticed he was doing) and took my hand. He leaned to whisper something in my ear.

"Let's get out of here."


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