Chapter 28

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I took another small sip and then put the cup down. I sat back on the couch and made sure the bucket was right by me. I saw mike walk on the back porch with the phone. I couldn't hear what he was saying.

****special edition!!!******

Mike's POV

I had to do something. She had to eat or drink something, because by now I have no clue what she could be possibly throwing up. She will get dehydrated and we'll have a whole other problem on our hands. Then I remembered the girl we met at chemo yesterday. Maddison. I pulled her number out of my jeans and dialed it.

"Hello?" Maddison said.

"Hey Maddison, this is Mike, Ainsley's friend, we met at chemo yesterday."

"Oh yah! Hey! How is she?"

"Not good, that's actually why I'm calling. I need some help."

"Sure, ask away!"

"She can't eat or drink anything without throwing it up. How do I get her hydrated at least?"

"Oh! Now I'm having chemo fog, let me ask my mom what she did." She set the phone down, but I could hear her calling for her mother. "Oh ok, what she did was she gives me pedialite, it's for kids but I use it now. It has electrolytes, vitamins, and it replenishes your body for a little while until you throw up again. I'd go buy a bunch if those, you'll need em. She may not eat anything the next few days. Goldfish are a good light food that she might be able to hold down. Another would be oranges." She said.

"Awesome thanks! And one more question. You said something about chemo fog? What's that?" I asked.

"Oh, that. Well it's a side effect of chemotherapy that isn't official but is widely accepted among patients. It is a short term memory loss thing. If you remind her of the things she's forgetting she'll remember automatically, but it's disorienting and confusing. Call me when that happens ok? I can help. You might have to remind me of who you are again though!" She said jokingly.

"Yah haha" I said, laughing awkwardly. "See you soon! And thanks again for your help!"

"Any time! And hey, feel free to call whenever!" She said, as we both hung up. Alright, so pedialite, goldfish, and some more towels. Got it.

"Hey Ainse, how are you feeling?" I asked, rubbing her back. I could tell she's thrown up while I was outside.

"Ok I guess. I just don't feel good and I'm tired." She said sadly. It worries me, all the weight she must be losing. She's completely out of nutrients, and it's too hard for her to keep anything down.

"I know baby I'm sorry! Here, lay back and try to sleep, ok?" I said, reapplying the cool towel on her forehead. She was sweating so much, her clothes were soaked. "But first, lets get you jnto some dry clothes, ok?" I said as I picked her up. She was so light, I could tell how weak and tired she is. It scares me to see her like this, and to think it could get worse...probably will. I really hope Maddison's tips work!

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