Chapter 47

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Mike found me curled up in a blanket by the windowsill. Apparently I had fallen asleep after my dream of Madison.

"Morning, sunshine. What are you doing over there?" He asked, leaning down to kiss me lightly.

"I just was thinking, and must have fallen asleep."

"Oh, ok." He said, laughing. "How are you feeling?"

"I'm ok." I said. I hade promised him that I would be honest about how I was feeling, and today I was exhausted. Every time I moved, my body ached.

"Is there anything I can do to make you feel better?" He asked.

"I can think of one thing." I said, leaning up to kiss him passionately, only to break away after a minute or so. "Bacon." Mike laughed.

"You got it, princess!" He said.

"And mike? Can you....ummm...can you help me down the stairs?" I asked. It hurt me to have to ask him to help me again, even after I stopped chemo.

"Of course I will." He said, leaning down to help me up. As he put his arm around me to support my weight, I leaned back on him down the stairs.

As mike pulled the bacon out of the package, I heated myself a pot of tea, then sat down on the stools. At that point, I heard the doorbell ring.

"Ainsley? Are you home?" A voice asked.

Mike helped me to the door to see who it was. It was Mrs. Brandon, our neighbor. She was a mom of 3 year old twins, and her husband was away on military duty in Afghanistan.

"Ainsley, would you mind watching the twins for an hour, I have to go to the airport to pick up John!" She said excitedly.

"Oh my gosh Mrs. Brandon! Congratulations!! Of course we will watch the boys! Do you want to send them over here, we were just about to make breakfast, and we'd be happy to make some pancakes for the twins!" I said.

"Oh you're such a sweet heart! That would be so wonderful! And when we get back, there is a welcome home barbecue tonight at the park, you two are more than welcome to come!"

"Of course we will! Now you go to the airport, and take some well deserved alone time with him, we can watch the kids for as long as you need!" I said as she got in the car to go.

Not two minutes later, Eric and Darren showed up at our door.

Mike bent down to their level.

"Hey boys! How's it going?" He asked, giving both boys a high five.

"Good! Daddy's coming home!" They said.

"I know he is, buddy! How exciting is that!" I said.

"I missed him so much! We want to make a poster, and you help us?" Darren asked,

"Of course! But first, let's eat breakfast! Chef Mike is making chocolate chip pancakes!" I said. The boys cheered and ran to the kitchen to watch as mike formed the pancakes into mickey mouse ears. They loved it!

After breakfast, we helped the boys make huge posters, and set them up at their house just in time for their mom to return. Mike and I ducked out to let the family have a private reunion, and headed home.

I curled up next to him on the porch swing. All I could think about was how mike and I used to talk about having kids someday.

"Ainsley, I know what you're thinking." He said, with a sad smile. "I love you." He said, kissing me on the lips to try to cheer me up. It worked for a moment, but we heard footsteps on our pathway, and saw Officer Black at our front door.

"Hello sir! Good morning!" We said.

"Hey, Ainse, hey mike! How are you doing?" He asked with a knowing look. How he knew and what he knew I had no idea.

"Taking it day by day." I said, with a weak smile.

"You look skinnier than before! Are you eating?" He asked, genuinely concerned.

"Trying, sir." I said, laughing. "You know I've never been one to deprive myself of food!" I joked, making him and mike laugh.

"Fair enough! I see that wit of yours is sharper than ever!" He laughed.

"Please, sir, come on in!" I said.

"Ainsley, I wanted to talk to you about something." He paused, and I nodded, urging him to go on. "It's about your father." I tensed up and felt mike squeeze my hand and put an arm around me.

"He is dead, Ainsley. Police found his body in the river last night." He said. "I wanted you to hear it from me."

I froze, totally unsure of how to react.

"Thank you for telling me, sir." I said. He nodded, and walked toward the door.

"If you need anything, you know where to find me, ok?" He said, and I gave him a weak smile in return. Mike helped me up to give him a hug.

"Thank you for everything." I whispered.

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