Chapter 19

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"LADIES AND GENTLEMAN...I PRESENT TO YOU...AINSLEY ELLIS, PART SEXY BEAST, PART BAD ASS!!!!!" grace shouted up the stairs. Mike clapped as I slid down the stair rail, waving like the queen of england. I was wearing red shorts, a white tank top, and my navy and white stripped scarf. Mike helped me off the stair rail, and picked me up in a big hug, spinning me around.

"Ehhemmm, will the lovely couple please finish up, the model has more fashions to show." grace said.

"Fine fine fine, but for the record, BEAUTIFUL!!!" Mike said. I blushed like never before. Suddenly, as if to ruin the moment, the telephone rang. Mike went to answer it while grace helped me change. My favorite yellow sundress with my black scarf. I felt pretty in this outfit.

"Hey Ainse?" Mike shouted.

"Yah?" I said.

"Come down here for a minute, I have to talk to you." he said.

"Ok." I said, sliding down the stair rail once again. I heard grace scold me for doing that in a dress. Haha like I give a shit.

"I got a call from Eric, he invited us to a beach party tomorrow night I'd you're feeling up to do you feel about it? I told him we weren't sure of our plans yet. It's totally up to you." he said. He was trying to not pressure me into going, but I actually wanted to go.

"Sure, I'll go, but you have to stick with me the whole time." I said.

"Of course! I'll call him now." he said. Mike loves parties, so do I.

"Yay!! Ok!! And hey Mike?" I said.


"What would you say for a midnight sail tonight?" I asked.

"If you're game, I'm game." he said, smiling.

"Great!" I said. I actually had about the same amount of excitement as nervousness. I'm not as strong as I usually am, I mean, I can walk and stuff, but only slowly still. But we'll see.


After a half hour more of modeling different scarves, grace had to leave for a meeting. I was upstairs about to get changed when Mike knocked on my door.

"You can come in." I said, as he opened the door. He had a backpack on. "Whats up?" I asked, chuckling.

"You'll see! You'll love it I promise. And bring your bathing suit and your sailing gear!" he said, smiling like an idiot.

"Ummmm, ok!" I said, no longer able to contain my laughter. "I'll be down in a minute or two."

"Great!" he said, shutting the door. Geez I wonder what all that was about! I probably mentioned this before, but I don't do well with surprises!

I set about getting dressed, choosing jean shorts and top with my bikini underneath it. I grabbed my sailing gear that was already packed, and checked to make sure my sweatshirt was in it. Hey, it's Michigan, you never know. Once I had put my dress on, I put my scarf on too. Then, I headed downstairs to meet Mike.

"Ready?" he asked.

"Ready...but really, where are you taking me?" I asked.

"Patience, young grasshopper!" he said.

"Ok ok..." with that, he took my hand, and we walked down the beach. We usually take walks on the beach, kind of as our way to relax, calm down, or cheer up. A perfect time for a walk, no doubt. We both love the sound of the waves, the feeling of sand in our feet, and the wind in our was odd to remember I have no hair...

After just a little bit of walking, I could feel myself getting tired. I tried not to, but I began to slow down. Mike apparently noticed this.

"It's ok, we're almost there." he said, rubbing my back. It is like he could read my mind and body language better than me! Sure enough, we were THERE. A little spot under this huge willow tree, one that we used to come to years ago. He unzipped the backpack, and laid a blanket on the sand. After gesturing for me to sit, he pulled out the best thing ever. Calzones, my favorite kind!! Oh my gosh he knows me so well!!

"No way!" I said.

"Oh yes way!" Mike said, mimicking my statement. I leaned into him, resting my head on his shoulder.

"Thanks." I whispered.

"Any time." he said. "Hey Ainsley?"


"Are you scared?" he asked.

"Yah. I am." I whispered. I knew I couldn't lie to him, he would always know. He knew me, sometimes better than I know myself.

"Me too." he said, kissing my forehead. "You are the bravest, smartest, strongest person I've ever met. Graceful is a word I never thought to associate with you, but it's true. You are handling this so well, it drives me crazy. I wish I could be that brave, and I'm not even the one..." he stopped. I knew what he was going to say. I then melted into him, silently crying into his chest.

"Shhh, it's ok, we'll do it. Together. I promise." he whispered. I just broke down.

"what if it's not!" I cried.

"It will be, no matter what happens, we'll deal with it. You and me, like always." he said.

"But what if we can't do it together...what if I'm not there..." I cried. Now Mike was crying too. I could feel the tears streaming down his face and into my scarf.

"You will be here, Ainse, always. You are my forever." he said, trying to stop the tears, but failing miserably. There was nothing I could say at that point. I had no words. I couldn't speak. I snuggled into his arms, silently prayed that it could be true. Although this was a sad moment, it was a happy one too. I could see that he really would never leave me, but that was never my fear. My fear was that I would have to leave him. We lay down, looking at the stars, as by now, it was around 9:30. I was thinking to my self 'I'll be up there some day.'

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