Chapter 2: The nightmare continues

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 Another day passed, Nicky was so exhausted he slept until into the next morning. The hedgehog's condition wasn't the best, but he felt, the sleep had been essential. It wasn't long before his nightmare, which clung to him like a shadow, came back, as he realized a metallic thing wrapped around his neck. The hedgehog jumped up and stared horrified at the thing. "What's...what's that?!"

"Pathetic!" Nicky startled and fell flat on his behind. The hedgehog stared at the bars and saw the strange look-a-like again. Was he the one who spoke?

"Did...did you..." Before Nicky could get a whole sentence together, the robot in front of him, turned around and left, just like the day before. "Strange guy..." he thought. The hedgehog shook his head, he had to do something about this thing around his neck. It was highly uncomfortable to him, almost suffocating, but he couldn't get it off. No matter how much he pulled on his collar, it wouldn't budge, and from all the tearing around, the hedgehog scratched his neck, but he didn't care, he wanted it off!!

"Forget it, you won't get it off that easily" Nicky abruptly bounced back and found the one in front of him, he didn't want to see that early again.

"Doctor, what is that thing?" The blue hedgehog sounded, almost, like he was about to cry.

"It's a special collar I made for you, and if you won't stop pulling on it, like a mangy little dog, I'm going to punish you!" Nicky flinched over this threat. "Maybe, I should show you what it can do." The doctor took out a remote control device. "It won't hurt much, I guess" he said before pressing one of the buttons on it, and all of a sudden, Nicky felt a light electric shock, pulsing through his body.

"Ouch, what was that?"

"It's your collar, as long as you listen to me, I won't be obliged to press this button. So better behave like a nice little rodent in its cage!"

"Don't call me rodent! I'm a hedgehog!"

"And don't talk back to me" He answered threatening and pressed one of the buttons again. This time the pain shooting through the hedgehog's body was more intense, it made Nicky flinch hard, and he fell onto his knees. A pain distorted face glared at Robotnik. "Have you learned your lesson?" The doctor wasn't fond of the death glare, which shot in his direction. "Maybe, I have to teach you another lesson!" The man was just about to press the button again.

"No, please!" Nicky exclaimed horrified, reaching out his arm, in a pleading way, towards the doctor. "I'll be a good little..." The hedgehog had to bite his lips before continuing. "...rodent..."

"Hooo, ho, ho, hooo. That's more like it." Robotnik wore a satisfied expression. Who would have thought Sonic would ever plea, on his knees, for mercy? "Now, get ready! You have 15 minutes!" The man turned on his heels and left the prison, while the yellow and black, Cubot came in with a plate stocked with a dry bread and a glass of water.

"The boss said you should get some energy, for his experiments." The hedgehog furrowed his brows. The cube-shaped bot put the plate in front of the bar. "And don't forget, you have 13 minutes and thirty..." Cubot awkwardly scratched the bag of his head. "...some seconds!"

After the robot left Nicky alone, he rapidly dashed towards the bar, grasping the dry bread through them. The hedgehog downright gulped it down, and despite the scratching pain at his throat, he couldn't stop himself. Eventually he had devoured even the least of the crumbs, and a terrible pain stuck in his throat, Nicky grasped for the glass of water and carefully tried to flush the pain away.

As soon as the hedgehog drank up his glass and was finally able to breathe normal again, he was already picked up by Orbot and Cubot. The two robots led Nicky to an extensively big room, which was filled with all kind of... training equipment? His guides led the blue hedgehog to a console which was occupied by Robotnik. Nicky curiously scanned his surroundings, nevertheless, he couldn't help to feel uneasy, as well. "Wha... what do you want this time?"

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