Chapter 5: Vs. Metal Sonic

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"Rouge, we have a problem." Said bat was already half-way back to Central City, when those words suddenly came from her communicator. Shadow sounded troubled, maybe she should have supported him, after all? Rouge was worried, no denying it, but she wasn't one to show this openly.

"What happened, darling?" She said in her typical teasing tone.

"Sonic..." It was all, the black hedgehog answered.

"What happened to him?" Shadow kept silent. The bat knew what she was supposed to do, but she was worried, nonetheless. The hedgehog was never one to talk much, but this one line was too vague, even for him. Something was certainly boiling in the kitchen, Rouge was sure of it! However, she figured it wasn't the right time for it, and focused back to her task. Of course, she won't forget to have a little chit-chat, with her partner in crime, later.

The thieving spy headed to the highest tree she could find and landed on its top. The bat then closed her eyes, and scanned her surroundings in order to find something, unnaturally fast, moving through the plains. Rouge's ear caught all the surrounding ultrasounds, and it wasn't long after the bat jerked from the terrible trembling a certain hedgehog created. It sounded off, somehow, but there was no mistaken it, she found Sonic. "He's heading to Central City! I try to catch up to him." Rouge reported to Shadow. She knew she wouldn't get an answer. Sometimes the hedgehog could be so stubborn, it frustrated her. Rouge couldn't hold back her anger and needed to lecture her biggest headache. "And don't think I'm going to let you through my door if you stain my doormat. I will just let you sleep on the streets." The bat couldn't help, but smile. She was well aware, Shadow would understand her words.


"I will..." He hardly audible said to himself. The black hedgehog was still sitting between the crumbled pieces that once were Eggman's base. His muscles wouldn't move. At least his breathing stabilized. How could this happen to him? The ultimate life form, fatally misjudging the energy he sent into this blast?! "That's why I hate getting involved with Sonic! I don't want to deal with this!" he thought to himself, and it seemed his energy was slowly coming back. Shadow carefully got back up, and left this nightmare as soon as possible.

Just as the black hedgehog had left the junkyard of a base, he heard loud rumbling coming from the wreckage. Suddenly, one of the pieces downright shot up into the air and revealed Metal Sonic beneath it. The terrifying red orbs, which were surrounded by an ominous blackness, stared at Shadow, yet none of them moved an inch. The black hedgehog returned the gaze, and after a few seconds his eyes widened in shock. "Sonic! No!!" As soon as the black hedgehog finished his sentence, Metal Sonic took off, leaving the still battered Shadow behind.


Although Sonic wasn't as fast as he usually would be, Rouge, still, had a hard time catching up to him. She lost him somewhere near the outskirts of central City. However, the bat didn't need to fatigue herself with the search for the blue blur. It was not long after she reached the City, Rouge perceived a terrible hysteria of screams, explosions, and crashing cars. The bat spotted Metal Sonic rushing through the city, shoving every car to the side, which dared to stand in his way. She was uncertain if she should report Shadow or not. Rouge was very well aware what would happen if she told the black hedgehog about this, but she also knew he wouldn't forgive her, if she withheld this information. "Shadow, I found Metal Sonic, and he is probably chasing after Sonic!"

"Which direction?!"

"It seems like, they head further into downtown, in Central City."

"Understood! Rouge, take care of the rest." Shadow ordered. "I know I can trust you with this."

The bat just mischievously smiled. "Sure you can, darling." Although, Shadow couldn't see it, the bat still winked and made a smooching sound, reassuring the hedgehog, he could trust her.



"Not now! ... just... a little... longer!" The black hedgehog desperately tried to get his posture back, he couldn't let his guard down, just yet. And his apprehension came true, as he looked at the enormous fissure in the wall, the robot head cracked into. Metal Sonic was just about to dust off the last few crumbs, covering his body. As soon as the robot was finished, he directly charged into the direction, Amy was heading. Metal Sonic almost caught up to her, spreading his claws, towards said girl, but before he could ultimately reach her, Shadow jumped in his way grabbing both of Metal Sonic's hands and challenged, said robot to a duel of brawn. The black hedgehog forcefully tried to push Metal Sonic back, yet the robot resisted without breaking a sweat. Slowly, but steady, Metal Sonic was able to push Shadow back. The black hedgehog wasn't at his full strengths, he had to do something before his opponent would get the upper hand. Shadow abruptly stretched out his arms to the side, it caught Metal Sonic off guard, and he was pulled close enough to Shadow, so the black hedgehog was able to kick him in the face, and send the robot flying again.

Amy startled, and turned back to the fighting scene, but Shadow just waved her off. The girl nodded with a determined expression on her face, and went on. While still midair, Metal Sonic performed an overhead-kick to land back and the ground again. His soles, shrieking loud as they tried to break the momentum, he was caught into. As soon as the robot stopped, he immediately charged back at Shadow, which charged at him likewise. Both crashed into each other by punching their faces, and simultaneously fell backwards, hitting the ground.

Shadow straight off curled into a ball and spin-dashed directly into Metal Sonic, which somersaulted backwards, to get up and caught the rotating ball with his hands. The robot pushed the spinning ball high into the air. The black hedgehog uncurled. "Chaos, Spear!!" He exclaimed, and fired said, technique in Metal Sonic's direction. Of course, the robot dodged the attack with ease, but that was Shadow's attention, in the first place. Now he could safely land on the ground without getting caught in his opponent's range. The moment, the black hedgehog touched the ground, he jumped a few inches backwards, to increase the distance between him and Metal Sonic, further.

Shadow was already heavily panting. He obviously reached his limit, and his opponent was aware of it. The robot put on a leisurely stance, lifted his arm and clenched a fist, in a triumphing way. "So, you think you won?" Shadow asked the robot, wearing a suspicious smirk. Metal Sonic slightly tilted his head, like it was asking what his opposite was talking about. "Behind you!" Was all he got as an answer, from the black Hedgehog. The moment Metal Sonic turned around, he noticed Tails, was standing in front him, carrying strange circular devices. The fox put them onto the robot, who abruptly started to wriggle, and collapsed on the ground afterward.

"Sorry, I came so late. Are okay Shadow?" The genius fox, hastily, approached Shadow and tried to help him up. Although he wouldn't admit it, he really could use the foxes' help to get back up again.

"It's nothing." The black hedgehog tried to brush it off. "What about you? Got any splinters?"

"I'm honestly fine!" The foxes' ears fell flat, with worry about his opposite. "Are you really sure, you are okay, Shadow?" Said hedgehog freed himself, from the foxes' support, and waved off the pain.

"I take care of Metal Sonic! Rouge should be here soon. Go help Amy!" Tails was about to say something, but he respected Shadow, and he knew if the black hedgehog had such the demanding tone, you couldn't talk back to him anymore, anyway. The fox nodded with determination, and straighten his ears back up.

"Okay, see you later!" Tails already went a few steps, but turned back to Shadow, one more time. "And please take care of yourself, Shadow!" With that said, the Fox went on, to back up, his friend, in finding their strangely behaving friend, Sonic the Hedgehog.


A/N: Thanks for all those who came that far, I would really appreciate your opinion, so leave a comment, if you like too! ;D

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