Chapter 4: Finally free?

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 Another day passed, in which Nicky slept through. Is this going to be his life now, suffering? Until the moment he finally reaches his limits? Being tutored and yelled at, and end up losing conscious over it? How much longer could he endure this nightmare?

The blue hedgehog slowly got up trying to stretch his sore muscles, every movement pained him but the stretching was obligated. His head was still spinning a little, and the hedgehog's face felt like it was pierced with millions of needles. His left ear twitched and Nicky's attention was brought to the bars, keeping him trapped in this suffocating small room. Already a little annoyed, the hedgehog looked at the look-a-like, staring at him again. "What do you want from me?" Said robot just stood there and stared Nicky in his emerald-colored orbs. The hedgehog stood his ground and didn't avert his opposites gaze. However, the robot kept silent and continued staring.

The longer Nicky looked into his eyes, the more he got this feeling he knows what the robot was thinking, but for some reason, the words made no sense to him. Like a thought you are about to grasp, yet always leaks though your fingers. "You are annoyed? Disappointed?" Nicky was talking more to himself than the machine in front of him. The hedgehog tilted his head to the side, putting on a thoughtful expression, when suddenly everything started to shake.

A dreadful, loud sound could be heard. Nicky covered his ears, wincing his eyes closed, from the pain. An invisible force flowed through the air, the hedgehog could sense it, but it didn't seem to have an effect on him. Suddenly he felt a burning pain around his neck, and as the hedgehog opened his eyes, a terrible devastation played I front of them. The bars from his cell had lifted, the robot that was standing there, just a moment ago, lied on the ground, lifeless as a puppet. The pain Nicky felt, came from his collar, which seemed to have malfunction, and now lied on the ground, likewise.

An incredible flow of excitement and relive shot through his chest. It was such an overwhelming feeling, the hedgehog wanted to scream out his joy to the fullest!! Would he be able to escape the nightmare, now? The collapsing ceiling and walls, snapped him back into reality. The hedgehog had to hurry if he didn't want to be crushed by anything.

Nicky ran through the different corridors, remarkably easy, dodging everything heading straight in his direction. It made him wonder of what he was actually capable of, but he quickly shook off these thoughts. It was probably just the survival drive, kicking in. All of a sudden, Nicky spotted a horrifying sight. The black Hedgehog, he saw in the video recording, was there. An ominous red aura surrounded him. It felt almost his energy was kindled.

The blue hedgehog just stood there, staring at the scene in front of him, terrified. It was like the flow of time suddenly stopped. Nicky felt like he was already staring at Shadow, for minutes, when he suddenly tripped over a ratchet lying on the ground. The black hedgehog's ear was twitching, he swiftly turned around, and scarlet eyes were staring at Nicky. For some reason, his eyes were wide open, and he seemed to be spaced off. Uneasiness spread inside the blue hedgehog, he didn't want to find out, why his opposite, reacted the way he did.

Panic-stricken, Nicky tried to jump up again, wobbling weakly around, the hedgehog nearly fell flat on his face, however, he could get his posture back before it happened, and Nicky noticed, the black hedgehog, was back to reality again. The blue hedgehog turned on his heels and although, still a little clumsy, he managed to get away. He was way too afraid to look behind him. Was Shadow, chasing him? The blue hedgehog shook his head. For some reason, he knew, if the black hedgehog would chase him, he would have caught up to him by now.


Somewhere in Central City, Amy and Tails just finished shopping for groceries. While the pink-color hedgehog girl carried a bag full of foodstuffs, while her escort, the two-tailed fox, and Sonic's best friend, carried all kind of packaging, together with other bags, filled with provisions. "Are you sure, you need all this stuff, Amy?" The fox genius complained, and said girl turned around, smiling at him with a cheerful expression.

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