Chapter 10: Sayonara, Shadow the Hedgehog!

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Nicky's body moved on its own, before he realized what happened, he was already miles away from Shadow. Afterward, it wasn't the best idea to run away before Rouge could tell them anything about their whereabouts. However, the hedgehog had no intention of going back to Shadow, he was fast, faster than before, the thought of his close friend being in trouble kept him at top speed. It was almost like the blockade had vanished, and the soft sensation of the wind caressed his cheeks, while he split the air into two, creating a slipstream behind him. The blue hedgehog felt free, almost like all the worries and problems can't follow him, he can just ignore them. The love he always felt for the wind, he could clearly feel it again. The blue hedgehog finally understood his former self, and simultaneously he felt bad for Amy. He finally understood, why he kept his distance to her. Yet, he still couldn't make up his mind. Nicky made a terrible mistake by letting his feelings get the better of him, nevertheless, he wouldn't regret it, the blue hedgehog couldn't change what happened, so he just accepted it and would clean up afterward. Firstly, though, he had to help his friends!


"Where did that idiot run off to now?" The black hedgehog growled, furious. "What is he going to do if Metal Sonic still searches for him?" Shadow was on his way to Tails' Lab, where he would meet up with said fox and his partner in crime. As he finally reached his destination, he was already greeted by the bat, with a waving hand. Whereas, Tails just lifted his hand with a short sloppy hand gesture and continued typing on a keyboard in front of him. It looked like the fox was desperately searching for something. Shadow noticed the fox was battered, but despite his beaten up state, he still kept his determined expression as if the pain was nothing to him. "Can you tell me what happened?" The worried tone in his voice expressed more than the black hedgehog wanted to, however he just ignored it and hoped the others would too.

"Tails is busy right now, so I tell you what I know." The bat fluttered in Shadow's direction and landed in front of him. "It seems Amy visited here because she had a feeling Nicky gets too attached to her..." Those words made the black hedgehog's ear twitch, but his opposite didn't seem to have noticed it. "...and doesn't know what to do about." Suddenly, Rouge started chuckling. "And can you believe it, fox-boy didn't believe her and..."

"Rouge!" Shadow interrupted her roughly. The falling flat of Tails' ears didn't go unnoticed by the black hedgehog. He reprimanded her with his harsh tone, it was obvious the fox wasn't happy about this topic.

The bat cleared her throat before continuing her report. "Anyway, Metal Sonic attacked and left him in pretty bad shape." Again, Tails's body jerked over the bat's explanation. The bitterness in the fox's miserable failure was clear as the day to Shadow. The black hedgehog wished he could say something to cheer him up, but he wasn't Sonic, and he was never good with words as well. Nevertheless, Shadow did the only thing that came to his mind. He slowly approached Tails and comfortingly laid his hand on the fox's shoulder. Said fox was surprised and shortly stopped his research to look at Shadow. Whereas the bat looked at them with a doubtful expression.

"We will save her, together!" Tails smiled cheerfully at Shadow and nodded.

"Thank you, Shadow!"

"Don't mention it" The black hedgehog patted Tails two times on his shoulder before letting go of him. "Friends are there to you lift you up, right?" The fox grinned determined over those words, very well knowing, whom they originated from, and went back to his research. Shadow decided to give Tails some space and leaned against one of the working benches. His arms crossed, and eyes closed, patiently waiting for progress. Not long after Rouge joined him, her expression showed a mixture of displeasure, confusion and doubtfulness.

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