Chapter 6: I don't want to hurt you!

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 "Sonic! Sonic, wait up!" The pink girl tried to call after Nicky, but the blue hedgehog wouldn't listen and kept running away. Lucky for Amy, it seemed the escaping hedgehog, had no sense of direction and often ended up in dead-ends or running into Amy again. Frustrated, the hedgehog growled as he reached yet another dead-end. "Why are you running away?" And the pink hedgehog already blocked his way back, Nicky was trapped. It was over!

The blue hedgehog curled into a ball, trembling anxiously. "Sonic?... Are you okay?" The terrified ball, didn't answer her. "What happened to you?" Amy's voice was filled with compassion and worry. For some reason, it made Nicky feel better. He slowly loosened up, the overstretched muscles finally releasing made him feel like jelly. Nevertheless, Nicky, wouldn't trust somebody so easily again, yet he couldn't deny the interest he developed in this fearsome girl. The blue hedgehog sheepishly looked through his fingers, and examined the pink hedgehog.

"How... how could you hit that Robot so hard, with that...hammer?"

"You mean this one?" Amy, proudly, summoned her Piko-Piko-Hammer to her side, and presented it to her opposite. The blue hedgehog's eyes widened at the sight of this hammer. It may look like a toy, but he clearly perceived, how hard she was able to hit Metal Sonic with it. Nicky didn't want to find out, how hard she could actually hit him with this toy. Amy, on the other hand, quickly realized her mistake, as she noticed the blue hedgehog winced over the sight of her hammer. She let out a slight "oopsie!" and smiled awkwardly. The girl was clueless about her opposite's behavior, but she knew how to handle troubled hearts. With a snap of her fingers, Amy let her hammer disappear, and sat on the ground, her legs stretched out to the side, like she was forming the letter 'M'. She carefully reached out to the blue hedgehog and put on her, always cheerful, smile. "Don't worry! I don't want to hurt you." Her voice sounded sincere, and even more compassionate-filled as her words did before.

Finally, Nicky was able to uncurl, putting his hands down, and leaving him sitting there as well. His legs were slightly drawn to his upper body, making them shaped like an upside down 'V', and his eyes gazed at the hand reaching out to him. While looking at the girl, he felt like she was sitting in a field, full of Sunflowers, which all faded in the bright, cheerful smile, his opposite presented. A warm, fuzzy feeling spread inside of him, and it felt like he could feel the warmth of the sun, heating up his cold and frozen body. "My name is Amy, Amy Rose, and you are?"

Nicky still focused on her hand, everything around Amy started to blur, and without realizing it, he slowly reached out for her hand. Not until he already grabbed her hand, and she tightened hers, did he realize, what he was doing. Before he could start to panic, Amy started smiling at him happily, she slowly ascended, lifting the blue hedgehog, with her. Not a single second, dared Nicky to look away from those beautiful emerald-color orbs, staring at them, just like they sparkled at him. The sunlight reflecting in them made them shimmer like a sea of green gems.

"Amy! Are you okay?!" All of a sudden a fox, came flying, with his two... tails? The blue hedgehog startled and bounced a few inches back, drawing back from Amy's hand. Nicky glared at the intruder or at least, he tried, but he looked more like a frighten kitten.

Luckily, Tails landed far away from Amy, which ultimately was enough distance for Nicky, to not immediately skedaddle. "Careful!" The pink hedgehog admonished the genius fox. "He is scared, we can't just jump on him." Tails looked at Amy, his expression, clearly telling her about his confusion. Said girl giggled in a bubbly way, and went closer to Tails, whispering something into his ears. Nicky didn't like the events presented in front of him. The blue hedgehog took another step back, lifting his fists in defense. However, his posture clearly showed trembling fear, and was way too unbalanced for a fight. Fearful was written on the blue hedgehog's face.

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