Chapter 3: The ultimate destruction

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 His heart beat uneven, the blood was rushing to his head. Shadow clearly understood these feelings, but he couldn't understand what made him feel like this. Ever since the black Hedgehog heard what happened to Sonic, he seems to get more frustrated with every minute that passed. Shadow already ran through this green for hours, at least it felt like hours. The black hedgehog desperately tried to find Eggman's base. Whatever happened to Sonic could be fatal for the whole Planet, or was he just annoyed over the blue blur's incapability to do anything alone? Shadow shook his head. He had to focus on finding the doctor's hideout. "Shadow, can you hear me?" Said hedgehog stopped on his heels, pressed a button on his watch-like wristband, and held said wrist close to his mouth.

"I can hear you." The hedgehog hoped, his partner in crime, Rouge the bat, would have good news. "Did you find anything?" A short silence fell.

"We couldn't find any heat signatures, I was hoping you'd know more." Shadow was just about to respond, when the bat interrupted him. "Wait! There is something strange, at 10 o'clock, from your position!"

"Got it!" The black hedgehog hurried in said direction, and after some hills and slopes, he finally reached his sight. Eggman's base. It wasn't as ominous and big as other hideouts, but still bigger than his briefly build bases. "Rouge, I found him!" The black hedgehog reported through his communicator.

"Great, Shadow! I'm on my way!"

"I go alone." Silence fell again. The bat knew his friend well enough. If he states it like this, Shadow had to do it on his own. Rouge was uncertain what went through the hedgehog's head, but she knew something was bothering him, and it definitely connected to Sonic.

"Gotcha, I'm heading back to Central City."

Shadow carefully looked around, scanning the horizon for all the traps and cameras that could hinder him from infiltrating the hideout. Thankfully, Shadow always keeps a chaos emerald with him. His eyes observed the place a little more until he found a blind spot from the cameras, and he used Chaos Control to teleport to said spot. The black hedgehog scanned his surroundings again, searching for another blind spot and repeated said strategy a few more times until, the hedgehog reached the inner core of the base.

Shadow closed his eyes and sharpened his other senses. The black hedgehog's nose tried searching for a possible scent, his ears tried to perceive familiar voices, and hopefully nothing terrible sounding. It was futile, though. The terrible scent of metal and oil was too overwhelming, and the never ending rumbling of the machines were too loud to overhear anything.

Shadow had no other option than relying on his instinct. In front of him, the corridor split in every direction, like a star. His eyes moved from right to left and after some time he chose the second corridor from the right.

The black hedgehog, hovered along the corridor, his eyes tirelessly moved around, trying to spot any possible obstacle that could get in the way. Shadow made it through just fine, the cameras, too slow for his movements, the traps lessened. Either he was close to the control room or where he hoped to find Sonic.

To Shadow's demise, it was the former, and he found the doctor in front of him. The egg-shaped man furiously typed on his computer, he seems to analyze data of some kind, while his stupid subordinates, Orbot and Cubot stared at the screen as well, whereas the brighter one tried to look like he understands what the screen said, the other playfully fooled around like he was bored. "Doctor!" The black hedgehog finally decided to get their attention.

Eggman downright shot around, looking at Shadow with a terrified expression. His subordinates on the other hand turned around calmly, nevertheless both of them covered their mouth, filled with horror. "Sha... Shadow, nice to see you!" The doctor answered nervously.

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