Chapter 11: Vs. Metal Sonic 2

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 "Aaawww!! Let me out of here!" A furious pink hedgehog exclaimed, while smashing her hammer repetitively against the bars of the prison cell, she was trapped in. "I said: let-me-out-of-here!" Amy kept smashing against the bars, it seemed to be almost futile, though. They slightly flinched with every hit, and had signs of wear, yet the bars wouldn't break. After all, they were made to withstand Sonic's force, so it wasn't a surprise the girl's attempts almost were in vain. "Don't ignore me!" The girl sighed and fell onto her knees, seemingly giving up her attempt to break out. After all, she has tried for hours? The pink hedgehog wasn't sure anymore how much time had already passed. "I know you can hear me. You don't even want me! If you really want to be better than him, you shouldn't rely on hostages!" Glowing red eyes stared at her the whole time. Metal Sonic hasn't moved an inch, but Amy's last words seemed to work, as the metallic blue hedgehog dropped his head.

Metal Sonic was standing there for around two minutes until he seemed to have made up his mind. He went closer to the controls and opened Amy's cell, and the hedgehog girl's eyes were filled with happiness. "I knew you are not so bad!" Before the girl could leave her cell, though, the robot holds his hand up, sticking three of his claw like fingers out. "Three?" The girl asked confused, while the robot nodded, and lifted his other hand where he placed his fingers into its palm. "The letter 'm'?" Amy asked again and put a finger on her chin in a thinking manner. "Minutes?" Metal Sonic nodded once more and now held his left arm stretched right, his index finger pointing at the exit. "Thank you, Metal!" the girl exclaimed and run towards the door, but before she completely left, the pink hedgehog turned around one more time. "Maybe next time we meet, we can be friends?" Said robot just stood there, not reacting to her question. However, deep down, Amy felt like he would consider her words.

The girl had worked hard on her speed and was able to leave behind most of her friends because of it, however, she was far from keeping up with Sonic or Shadow's speed, so the 3-minute time limit was hardly enough for her to get away from the Robot. Yet, Amy was too stubborn to just give in, and as soon as she was able to reach the exit, Metal already caught up to her. Just a view more seconds, and she would have reached the trees to hide from her pursuer. Although she manged to leave the metallic building, the surrounding trees were cut down and an enormous clearing was around the base. Probably to spot intruders faster.

Just as Metal Sonic was about to grab Amy and take her back. Seven, strange looking drones showed up between the robot and the pink hedgehog, which stopped him in his tracks. The seven drones from which six of them were lined up like the eyes of a dice, and the seventh, in the middle of them, was charged with a laser-like beam. It was the right decision for Metal Sonic to stop, he almost crashed into an invisible wall, which was verified by his hand, he had held up to mitigate the crash against this strange barrier. "Leave Amy alone!" The two-tailed fox yelled while he emerged from the trees.

The robot didn't have time to properly process what was happening, as he already got kicked out of the way by the thievish bat, Rouge. She hit Metal Sonic with such an impact the robot flew a few feet away but was still able to keep his balance, which made it look like, he was sliding, sideways. The robot's attention now shifted to the bat and as soon as he stopped in his tracks, the blue robot started charging in her direction, which was again blocked by the drones that spilled oil in front of Metal Sonic's way. He wasn't able to do much about the slippery floor, and it threw off his balance a little. The robot didn't fell to the ground, but it gave Rouge enough time to react, and said bat jump in the air and performed a roundhouse kick into the back of Metal Sonic's head to finally let him kiss the ground. "How do you like my new invention!?" Tails exclaimed proudly.

The robot got back and despite his dead-cold expression you could feel annoyance rising inside of him. This time he charged towards Tails, who dodged to the side and Metal Sonic was able to grab one of his tails. However, the clever fox used the build up momentum from the robot and made a 360 degree spin, which led Metal Sonic to crash against the tree behind them. "Got you!" The fox exclaimed happily. "You probably think I'm still the scared little fox from back then, but I have grown! And I will prove it to you!" As soon as Tails finished his sentence, his drowns came flying to the fox's side and started charging a laser. Whereas, the robot tried to regain his composure and shook his head. Almost too late, he realized the charging lasers and were able to dodge to the side, ultimately resulting in the destruction of the trees which had been behind Metal Sonic.

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