Chapter 7: Doing the Make-over?

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 "I don't want to hurt you!" His words sounded dry, monotone, almost annoyed. Shadow's expression was blunt and sullen. Every other person would have thought he wasn't sincere, but Nicky could feel the words, the black Hedgehog spoke, and the words his body language told him, were his pure thoughts, no ulterior motive behind them. Despite the black hedgehog's dismissive behavior, Nicky understood the true intention behind it. Just the way Shadow sought eye contact, before telling his statement. The slightly softening of his facial expression, no one seemed to have noticed other than Nicky, and the faint change in his behavior gave him away. The blue hedgehog felt relieved, maybe he misjudged the black hedgehog? Yet, as soon as Nicky started smiling towards him, Shadow snapped his head to the side and his eyebrows furrowed a bit. Apparently, still not enough, for the others to notice. Was the black hedgehog mad? Was he annoyed? Nicky couldn't tell it anymore, but one thing he knew for sure, he took back everything he, just had thought about Shadow. He was just a jerk, after all. "Let's go!"

Shadow's words snapped Nicky back into reality, the black Hedgehog was already on the move. Obviously, he wanted to get this over with, as soon as possible, and Nicky couldn't help but feel the same. Wordlessly, Amy and the blue hedgehog, followed him. "What? Shadow? Are you sure?" Rouge called after said hedgehog and tried to protest this ridiculous idea, yet Shadow just waved her off with a sloppy hand gesture, not even turning around to face her. The bat and, the left behind fox, looked at each other and shrugged.


The black hedgehog was moving impatiently fast, you could clearly see, he wanted to get to Amy's Home as fast as possible. Thankfully, not many humans were on the streets that could get in their way, and despite Shadow's impatient behavior, he didn't move too fast, so the pink hedgehog couldn't keep up with him. From time to time, Amy giggled cheerfully, but other than that, it was awkwardly silent between them.

The three were walking for a while already and slowly started to reach the more city-like areas again, when Amy accelerated her pace a bit to catch up to Shadow. The blue hedgehog clung himself to the pink-haired's left arm and glared at Shadow. Needless to say, Amy enjoyed this to the fullest. "Why so sullen, Shadow?" The girl suddenly asked, her face carrying an innocent, happy smile, yet said Hedgehog didn't look at her.

"I know, I promised you to help you if you are in trouble, but I didn't expect, you would shamelessly exploit it like that."

The girl giggled like she already did a few times before, and Nicky didn't like it at all. Why was Amy so open-hearted with Shadow, were they 'close'? The blue hedgehog instantly shook away those thoughts, he didn't want to know, sometimes ignorance can be a bliss! "Don't act like, you don't want to watch out for him! I know you do!" The pink hedgehog teased.

"I have no choice!" Shadow answered. "If he is out of the game, I have even more work to do, and I have better things to do than deal with Eggman, for him!" Those harsh words made Nicky pound. Again, someone who wants their friend back, not caring about Nicky's feelings at all. It was almost like people denied his existence!

"Whatever you say, Shadow!" Amy stated with a cheerful smile. The blue hedgehog couldn't help but cling even tighter into the girl's arm, and she even returned the gesture, by moving a little closer and smiling at him. Her positivity eased Nicky's troubles, and none of them spoke any word until they reached Amy's Home, Sweet Home!


"Welcome to my cozy home!" Amy exclaimed, and threw her arms up in the air to underline her excitement.

Shadow and Nicky simultaneously looked around the big room they just entered. Judging from the looks, and more obvious, by the all the kitchen utensils, they stood in a rather big kitchen. The room was painted in a soft pink, and light-brown patterns gave it a lively touch. Windows graced with green curtains, and through them, you had a wonderful view towards the city. You could even see a clock-tower from said windows, telling Nicky, it was already late in the night. His eyes moved back to the kitchen and its contents. In the middle of the room was a big table, covered by white tablecloth, with red line patterns and some red hearts here and there. Next to the wall, where the windows were, there was a kitchen counter, which dragged out in an L-shape along two walls. The counter was equipped with everything a good cook can need. Especially the oven caught his sight. The many traces from the rate of consumption, told Nicky, it was frequently used. It's not like the oven looked worn out, but the blue hedgehog still could recognize the small wear downs. His eyes moved further along the kitchen counter. A lot of bowls, and other appliances, all shared the same color scheme, they were mostly red, and with white stripes decorated. Some even wore heart patterns in a different shade of red. Next to the counter was the door leading back to the hallway. And last but not least. The 4th wall was fully occupied by cupboards equipped with dishes, cutlery, pots and other utensils which weren't needed, at the moment.

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