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SHE HAD GOTTEN OFF THE storage bins and trash bins, beginning to go to the garage he had told her about

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storage bins and trash bins, beginning to go to the garage he had told her about. she was annoyed he didn't even give her any ammo for protection.

"jackass.." she muttered.

[name] started to make her way back to the front, keeping an eye out for any curses or transfigured humans. she quickly ran to hide behind a pillar, as she noticed one of the bigger cursed spirits, it was wandering around the police station.

she tried to steady her breathing, she crouched down to hide behind of the bushes. her anxiety was getting the better of her, she was praying that this was all a dream. though, that was unlikely. she just hoped this cursed spirit was passing through, but she would probably have to make a run for it.

when it turned to look away, she quickly bolted to the parking garage. she knocked on the garage door repeatedly, waiting for someone to open it.

"come on! come on...!" [name] said, she saw as the huge cursed spirit had heard the commotion, she could see its body moving her way.

a small crack from the parking garage opened, it was but enough to fit through at least. [name] quickly crawled underneath, she panted as the pressure was on.

the garage closed, as it sealed her and anyone else from the outside.

[name] sighed as she could get a small break, hopefully she could load up on some ammo and take care of the non-sorcerers in the building. but, then, she heard a gun click.

"if you get us killed, i'll make sure to put a bullet through your head first. before— those 'things' get you."

she turned to see the officer from the window, she stood up as she put her arms up. she had no intentions of hurting him, only on protecting them. "i just need ammo, another gun, anything." she told him.

he scoffed, he put the gun down, but he still held it. "come on," he ordered, he started to walk away and out of the garage.

after some time of walking up the stairwell, they walked onto a floor. inside, [name] could only see five others. five other survivors out of the hundreds that went to shibuya that night.

"this is what's left of shibuya's halloween party?" [name] questioned, she looked as some of them looked injured, traumatized, even still in shock.

"you think we could've saved the hundred others? this city is dead, along with everyone who's else still in it." the officer explained, her eyes settled on his name badge. 'officer yamada'.

"yamada, are you high on some shit!? you brought another person here, after we ran out to save this dead guy, and his wailing bitch of a girlfriend!" another officer walked over, his arm and face were all bandaged up. he definitely got bitten by a transfigured human or a curse.

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