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AS THEY CONTINUED TO RUN DOWNthe highway, they could hear the crashing noises and almost like bombing sounds coming behind them

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the highway, they could hear the crashing noises and almost like bombing sounds coming behind them. as they reached a tunnel, aoyama tunnel.

[name] was practically dragging her feet's, she was so tired of running. she wanted to take a break, even if they were on the outskirts of shibuya. they couldn't risk it, the cursed spirits and transfigured humans could still reach them.

just as they were about to reach the end of the tunnel, something was stopping saitozaki and sato from passing through. they hit the invisible force, they fell back as they couldn't see anything there.

"mina..? what was that?" sato questioned, she rubbed her behind as she fell on the concrete floor. she was confused on what was happening.

saitozaki looked at the invisible force, she sat up, putting her hand there. her hand couldn't go through it, something was stopping her. "i don't know.."

[name] went back through, she looked as they couldn't get through the veil. "damnit..!" she muttered quietly to herself, they couldn't go through the veil.

"[last name], how did you get through?" saitozaki questioned, seeing as she was getting through just fine. but she and and sato weren't, that was a weird phenomenon.

[name] cursed to herself, she couldn't save them. if she left them alone, there was no way they'd be alive by the time she came back. "i'm sorry.. i can't get you through there. i just need to take my friend to the safe point, i'll have someone come back to look for the both of you. just please.. stay in this tunnel." [name] explained.

"what? why can't we go through?" saitozaki questioned, she was worried about herself and the young girl they had with them. "can you take yae through? she's the younger one, you should take her." she looked through the invisible barrier, she looked down at yae who put a hand up, a force keeping her from leaving.

"i- i'm sorry, just please wait here! i'll be back as fast as i can, just don't leave this tunnel." [name] told her, she felt guilty for not being able to explain it to them. though, she needed get maki to ieiri.

saitozaki looked down at sato, who didn't quit understand on what was happening. she turned back to [name] while she was holding tightly onto maki. "okay.. we'll stay here, and wait."

[name] looked at them through the veil, seeing as she seemed a bit suspicious of why they couldn't go through and why she couldn't explain it. "i'll be back soon, just- just hang on a bit longer!" she told them, she began to run down the highway.

she knew it was a far chance that they'd even survive, but she'd still go back for them. she ran faster and faster, trying to get to get to roppangi for maki's injuries. she just needed to continue running on this highway, until she got there. then hopefully get back to the two of them.

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