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[NAME] RAN OUT INTO THE hallway, she pushed a desk out in the hall, to the door, making a barricade

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hallway, she pushed a desk out in the hall, to the door, making a barricade. hopefully transfigured humans can't withstand fire. she began to run for the stairwell, which would lead to the 2nd floor to the armory of the stations available weapons.

she quickly ran down the stairs, nearly tripping, but there was no time to waste. she needed to find everyone else, or anyone who was still alive in shibuya.

"mechamaru! mechamaru?!" [name] frantically shouted, she quickly reached the second floor of the police station. she needed to get more things, before the station burned to the ground.

he wasn't replying, maybe his soul finally passed on.

[name] busted her way through the door, and quickly looked for anything useful. since she wasn't cursed technique strong, she needed anything that would help her.

she rummage through the racks of guns and bullet proof vests, putting one on under her jacket for cover. she strapped in her knife and hand gun, putting extra bullets in her pouches.

she didn't think a police station had so much stuff, she grabbed a single grenade and stuffed it in any available pocket. this could give her a chance to get away from the hoards of curses.

she heard some noise from the stairwell, she quickly made her way out, she held a flashlight as she flashed it in the hall often the armory. whatever was coming down those stairs, blocked her way to the 1st floor.

"no— running."

it was the guy had had turned into a transfigured human earlier, he still was burning from the flames of the candle.

[name] cursed to herself, this was all starting to hit her now. "shit..! why did i have to be the one here?!" she asked herself, she took out her handgun and started to shoot it.

though, her bullets weren't doing much. only something like a cursed technique would work on something like this. [name] groaned in irritation, she couldn't waste anymore bullets.

she bolted towards the transfigured human, and took her knife, discarding her handgun. she stabbed its face over and over, cutting it as blood and body fluids spewed out.

[name] got up and looked down after, before she quickly started to go down the stairs. she had grabbed her handgun, as she just needed to find someone.

"geez! why did i listen to mechamaru..! i could've been back at the school by now!" [name] was talking to herself. she reached the 1st floor, she pushed the garages door, opening it. she figured she could head to the next metro station not to far away.

she quickly crawled underneath, before the garage door could fully be open. [name] looked around, looking for any signs of curses of transfigured humans.

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